Immunity an overview Flashcards
Define immunity, adaptive immunity and innate immunity
- immunity-the state of being immune to or protected from a organism or foreign agent
- adaptive immunity- dynamic protection results from specific immune components changing or adapting to unique features of the pathogen or foreign agent
- Innate immunity-inherent protection against organisms that are permanent from birth
WHat is passive immunity
- receiving preformed antibody
- rapid protection
- short duration T1/2 for Ab is 3 weeks
What is active immunity
exposure to a foreign antigen
slow protection
long duration-memory lymphocytes
a molecule that induces an immune response
a molecule that binds to (is recognized by) adaptive immunemediators
a molecule that induces immune unresponsiveness to subsequent doses of the molecule
how does size of a substance influence its immunogenicity
large=increased immunogenecity
small=decreased immunogenecity
How does dose influence immunogenecity
Intermediate dose=large immunogenecity
high or low dose=decreased immunogenecity
How does route of administration influence immunogenecity
SubQ> Intraperitoneal > Intravenous > Intragastric
How does composition influence immunogenecity
complex= increased immunogenecity
How do adjuvants influence immunogenecity
no/few bacteria=decreased
How does interaction with MHC complex influence immunogenecity
Is the invadin antigen or microbe self or foreign?
self-:tolerogenic immune response against self antigens
foreign/non-self: mount an innate or adaptive immune response to the antigen or microbe
What controls specificity both for innate and adaptive immunity
- Innate: Pattern-recognition receptors-limited diversity
- TLR, Nod-like receptors
- complement proteins
- Adaptive: Antigen recptors
- T cell receptor (TCR)
- B cell receptor (BCR)
Describe the memeory for innate and adaptive immunity
innate: none
adaptive: memory B and T cells