Immunity Flashcards
Study of how the body responds to and resists foreign pathogens and other foreign substances
What is Smallpox caused by?
Variola Major
Smallpox is Ltin for
Spotted, refers to rash
Survivors of Smallpox are
Severerly scarred
Characteristics of Smallpox are
Ulcerations of cornea cause blindness
How is smallpox spread?
By respiratory route and fomites (inamimate)
How big was smallpox?
Most likely te most significant disease in history
What was the fatality rate and how many people died from Smallpox?
30% fatality rate
300-500 million dead in 20th C
Who caused the outbreak in Indians?
Lord Jeffrey Amherest, and he inoculated Indians by the use of contaiminated blankets
Early Stage of Smallpox?
Asymptomatic, non infectious with an incubation period of 7-17 days
Smallpox; Day 4
Fever, Vomiting, Malaise
Smallpox; Day 5
Pustule Rash Formation
Where does the Rash first start out?
In the mouth, then the arms, and then the hands
Deliberate Infection with Smallpox
What did Lady Montague do?
Variolated her children in 1721
Problems of Variolation?
Highly Variable Procedure
Skin Lesions Less Than Attractive
Variolated patients are infectious
Benjamin Jetsy
Milkmaids got cowpox
Inoculated wife and children
Received no smallpox, mild cowpox
Edward Jenner
Inoculated James Phipps with cowpox. Variolated him twice then with Smallpox. Did not get skin lesions or smallpox
To weaken a viable pathogen
Louis Pasteur
Forgot about chicken cholera over weekend. Figured old straisn did not kill chickens
How can one achieve attenuation?
Heat kill
Serial Passage in Eggs
Passage in cell culture or on palates
Genetic Engineering
Caused by Bacillus Anthracis
Pasteur treated sheep with attenuated strain
Vaccine afforded complete protection from disease
Caused by rabies virus.
Causes foam at mouth, aggressive, then paralysis
What is “the fate of old yeller”?
Joseph Meister
Received the first rabies vaccine. Pasteur inoculated him with attenuated rabies.
Spread via feces
4-5% developed respiratory, non-paralytic polio
<1% paralytic polio, mucular weakness.
Salks Vaccine
Inactivated injected form , IPV in 1953
Sabins Vaccine
Oral Attenuated Form , OPV in 1961
Symptoms of Ebola
Fever, Fatigue, Muscle Pain, headache, and Sore Throat. Followed by vomiting, symptoms of impaired kdiney and liver function and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding
EBV Treatment; Supportive Care-Rehydration
With oral or intravenous fluids. Treatment of specific symptoms improves survival.
HIV and Ebola Mutation Rate
HIV has high mutation rate, and Ebola has low mutation rate
The study of how the body responds to and resists pathogens and other foreign substances
What does the body do to fight pathogens?
Animals immune system must detect foreign particles and cells, and distinguish non self from self
Lymphatic System
Network of vessels, tissues, and organs that helps the body to get rid of toxins, waste, pathogens
Adaptive Response
Drains, removes ISF from tissues and elivers foreign materials to nodes for immune assessment
Lympathetic System maintains Fluid Homeostasis
Maintains fluid balance between blood versus tissue
What things does the Lymphatic System facilitate and Transport?
Transport of Fatty Acids and White Blood Cells