Immune tissues Flashcards
Lymphoid tissues
Any tissue where clusters of lymphocytes can be found
Primary lymphoid tissues
The site of immune cell development and education
In adults they include the thymus and bone marrow
In the foetus, the primary lymphoid tissue is the liver
The thymus is the site of education for T-cells
Thymocytes enter the thymus from the blood, before undergoing a complex differentiation process, moving from the cortex to the medulla as they do so
Thymic nurse cells facilitate T-cell development
T-cell differentiation
- Thymocytes enter the thymus at the corticomedullary junction
- They then travel to the subcapsular cortex where they proliferate and begin to express the TCR
- The cells then begin to express BOTH CD4 and CD8, before going through a round of positive and negative selection
- The thymocytes are then mature and express EITHER CD4 or CD8
T-cell positive selection
The T-cells must bind to MHC-peptide complexes
This is facilitated by cortical thymic epithelial cells
T-cell negative selection
T-cells must ignore self antigens
This is facilitated by medullary thymic epithelial cells
Bone marrow
The bone marrow is the site of development for blood cells and the site of the pool of haematopoietic stem cells
It is the site of education for B-cells
B-cell differentiation
Less well understood, assumed to follow the some method as T-cell development
B-cells must pass a round of positive and negative selection before they are released into the blood
B-cell positive selection
The B-cells must bind to and respond to survival factors
B-cell negative selection
The B-cells must ignore self antigen molecules
The lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is a transport system for leukocytes
Movement occurs via adhesion molecules, smooth muscle movement, residual arterial pressure and back-flow prevention valves
Secondary lymphoid tissues
The secondary lymphoid tissues are the site of immune response initiation
They include the spleen, lymph nodes and MALT
Lymph nodes
Found throughout the body
Have a cortex (containing mostly B-cells) and a paracortical area (containing mostly T-cells)
Facilitates encounters between antigens and lymphocytes
Filters the blood directly
Has immunological and non-immunological roles
The red pulp filters old and damaged erythrocytes
The white pulp facilitates encounters between antigens and lymphocytes
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MALT describes zones containing high concentrations of T-cells and B-cells in mucosal membranes
Gut-associated lymphoid tissue is found in the intestinal epithelium and includes Peyer’s patches
It is seen as aggregates of lymphoid cells
M-cells transport suspected antigen across the epithelium towards these aggregates