Immune System Flashcards
What fiber provides support for lymph nodes
Reticular fibers
What lymphatic organ doesn’t contain lymphatic nodule
Lingual tonsil lining epithelium
Stratified squamous
Hassal’s corpuscle is the identifying feature of
What tonsil other than the palatin, is lined by stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium
Lingual tonsil
What is the only hemo-lymphatic organ in the body
What lymphoid tissue has central artery
What type of lymphocyte is related to humoral response
What area of spleen has abundance of erythrocytes
Red Pulp
What tonsil is lined by pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
Pharyngeal tonsil
What chemical destroys the membrane of target cells is contained in the granules of cytotoxic t-lymphocytes
What type of epithelium lines the crypts of the palatine tonsil
Stratified squamous non-keratenized
What structure has a well defined trabeculae and chords of billroth
Part of spleen has high concentrations of lymph cells
White pulp
Epithelial reticular cells are associated with what lymphoid structure