Immune modulating therapies (1) Flashcards
How can the immune response be boosted?
- Vaccination
- Replacement of missing components
- Cytokine therapy
- Blocking immune checkpoints
Describe the following about the adaptive immune response
- Adaptive immune response cells
- Wide repertoire of antigen receptors
- Specificity
- Adaptive Immune Response
* B cells and T cells - Wide repertoire of antigen receptors
- Receptor repertoire is not entirely genetically encoded
- Genes for segments of receptors are rearranged and nucleic acids deleted/added at the sites of rearrangement almost randomly
- Potential to create in order of 1011 to 1012 receptors
- Autoreactive cells are likely to be generated
- Mechanisms must exist to delete or tolerise these autoreactive cells
- Exquisite specificity
* able to discriminate between very small differences in molecular structure
What are antigen presenting cells (APC)?
- APCs are cells that can present peptides to T lymphocytes to initiate an acquired immune response
- These cells include:
- Dendritic cell
- Macrophage - include Langerhans cells, mesangial cels, Kupffer cells (liver), osteoclasts, microglia etc.
- B lymphocyte
Describe clonal expansion following exposure to antigen in the adaptive immune system
Clonal expansion following exposure to antigen:
- T cells with appropriate specificity will proliferate and differentiate into effector cells (cytokine secreting, cytotoxic)
- B cells with appropriate specificity will proliferate and
- differentiate to T cell independent (IgM) (memory and) plasma cells
- undergo germinal centre reaction and differentiate to T cell dependent IgG/A/E(M) memory and plasma cells
There is then immunological memory - following infection, residual pool of specific cells with enhanced capacity to respond if re-infection occurs
Describe the CD8 T cell response to an infection
Describe CD4 T cell response to infection
What are the different CD4 T cell subsets?
- Help CD8 T cells and macrophages
- Help neutrophil recruitment
- IL-10/TGF beta expressing
- CD25+ Foxp3+
- Follicular helper T cells
- Helper T cells
Describe T cell memory, how long it lasts and action
- Memory T cells are maintained for a long time without antigen by continual low-level proliferation in response to cytokines
Different pattern of expression of cell surface proteins involved in chemotaxis cell adhesion
- These allow memory cells to access non-lymphoid tissues, the sites of microbial entry.
Rapid, robust response to subsequent antigen exposure
- There are more memory cells
- These cells are more easily activated than naïve cells
Describe the B cell response to an infection
Describe B cell memory - how lomg it lasts, action etc.
- Long lived memory B cells and plasma cells
Rapid, robust response to subsequent antigen exposure
- There are more memory cells
- These cells are more easily activated than naïve cells
Pre-formed antibody
- Circulating high affinity IgG antibodies
What do we want from a vaccine?
- Generate protective, long-lasting immune response
- No adverse reactions
- Single shot
- Easy storage
What part of the influenza virus causes the infection?
- Hemagglutinin (HA) is the receptor-binding and membrane fusion glycoprotein of influenza virus and the target for infectivity-neutralizing antibodies.
In influenza CD8 T cells controls the virus load and it is the antibody which provides a protective response
Describe the haemagglutination inhibition assay
Detection of virus specific antobodies
- Sialic acid receptors on RBC bind to haemagluttin of influenza virus to ‘haemagluttinate’
Reaction inhibited by antibodies to haemagluttin
Describe how the mantoux test is done
- Inject 0.1 ml of 5 tuberculin units of liquid tuberculin intradermally.
- The tuberculin used in the Mantoux skin test is also known as purified protein derivative, or PPD.
- The patient’s arm is examined 48 to 72 hours after the tuberculin is injected.
- The reaction is an area of induration (swelling that can be felt) around the site of the injection.
- What is the BCG?
- What does the BCG do?
- What response is important?
- BCG is an attenuated, strain of bovine tuberculosis
- Protects against primary inection, as well as progression to active TB
- T cell response is important in protection