Immigration Legislation 1940-80 Flashcards
1940 Alien Registration Act
Requires non-citizens to register with the federal government as a wartime measure, later turned ‘green card’ system, which entitles them to live and work in USA indefinitely, only going to those processed and registered by the immigration service
1948 Displaced Persons Act (extended 1950)
Allows for the immigration of 415,000 people displaced by the war over four years, but within the quota limit (Congress blocked Trumans attempt to separate these numbers)
1952 Immigration and Nationality Act (McCarran-Walter Act)
Revises the terms of immigration; retains 150,000 limit and quota system based on the 1920 census, though many arguing against it as 85% of immigrants came from Northern and Western Europe; allows for 100,000 Asian immigrants; doesn’t apply to the Western Hemisphere
1953 Refugee Relief Act
Extends the 1948 Displaced Persons Act, allowing for 214,000 refugees from Europe; dealt with outside the set quota
1954 Operation Wetback
The mass deportation of illegal (unregistered) immigrants, mostly Mexicans
1957 Refugee-Escapee Act
Expanded refugee legislation to cover those escaping from communist countries
1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Celler Act)
Abolishes quotas; sets a limits of 170,000 immigrants a year and more Asian citizens are allowed in outside this limit; still does not apply to the Western Hemisphere
1966 Cuban Adjustment Act
Gives citizenship to Cubans entering the country after 1959
1968 Armed Forces Naturalisation Act
- Amends the 1965 Act to make anyone a US citizen who has fought for the USA in the First World War, Korea or Vietnam (or any other war)
- Around 10,000 people a year in 1969 and 1970 became a US citizen as a result
1976 Immigration and Nationality Act expanded
Expands to include the Western Hemisphere for the first time; the number of immigrants allowed in is 20,000
Kennedy allowed 14,000 more Chinese into the USA
Johnson ended the Bracero Programme
1975 Indochinese Migration and Refugee Assistance Act
Helped settle some of the refugees in the USA
1980 Refugee Act
Provided for the admission of 50,000 refugees per annum and said 5,000 persons within the US could apply for political asylum