immigration Flashcards
a defense of native-born People and a hostility to the foreign-born. Supporting policies that favor and preserve native-born “uniqueness” over foreigners
the immigration tsunami rolling over America Is not coming over from Eu, but from races of Asia, Africa, latin America →they are not melting and/or reforming- 16 million not originally from Europe, today that number is 80 million
(1820-1850)German, Irish, English
Chinese Immigrants
Came to american in search of work, brutally mistreated in construction of trans continental railroad and completely banned in 1882
Japanese Immigrants
Put in internment camps as a result of the attacks from the japanese on pearl harbor. Despite the immigrants being americans, they were still treated as aliens.
Naturalization act
1790: in order to be a citizen, you have to be white
- Anglo/Western European
Alien and Sedition acts
1798: Limited the rights of citizen (like voting)
Gave Federal government the power to deport immigrants who were citizens with USA was at war with
Old Immigration
Anti-Catholic mob burns Ursuline Convent in Charlestown
Samuel Morse publishes Foreign Conspiracy
1835 Urged a passage of an immigration law that bans foreign-born Americans from voting
Alleges a Popish plot against the USA, develops morse code to defeat this plot
Native American Association forms the Native American Party/Know Nothing Party
Construction of first transcontinental railroad
Chinese Exclusion act
1882 Prohibited the immigration of chinese laborers for 10 years
Open Door Policy
1921 All countries have equal right to trade with Chine
Ozawa v. USA
1922 Ruled that Asian people are not white, and therefore could never be citizens
Affirms 1790 Naturalization act
Open Door Policy ends
National Origins Act
1924 Bans all asian peoples
Reduces quota system to 2% of people living in US for immigration
WW2 starts
Korematsu v. USA
1944 The Supreme Court decision upheld the federal government’s right to set aside civil rights protections in the name of “military necessity”
Targeted Japanese Americans, not German, etc.
Immigration Reform Act: Ends racist quota
1965 System giving preferential treatment to Western European Immigration
Focused on family relations and skills