Immediate action Checklist Flashcards
Double Engine Failure
- Ignition CONT - ON. PM
- Airspeed - Not less than 240 KIAS PF
Refer QRH Powerplant pg 2-5
L or R Reverser Unlocked
- Affected thrust lever - confirm & idle. PM
- Affected thrust reverser, EMER STOW - SELECT. PM
Refer QRH Powerplant 2-11
APU Fire
- APU Fire PUSH - Select. PM
- APU Bottle - Select
Refer QRH APU Pg 3-1
Smoke/Fire/Fume Procedure
- Oxygen masks/smoke goggles - ON, 100% - CR
- Crew & cabin communication - establish. CR
Refer QRH smoke fire fumes pg 1-1
CABIN ALT (warning message) or Emergency Descent Procedure
- Oxygen masks - Don, set to 100% - CR
2. Crew communications - Establish - CR
Aileron system jammed
1.Autopilot - disengage. PF
2. Aileron controls(both)-release pressure. CR
3. ROLL DISC-pull and turn to lock. PM
4. Airplane control-transfer to pilot with operative aileron
Refer QRH FLT Controls 10-1
Elevator system jammed
1.Autopilot - Disengage. PF
2. Elevator controls (both)-release pressure. CR
3. PITCH DISC -pull and turn to lock. PM
4.Airplane control-transfer to pilot with operative elevator. PF
Refer QRH FLT controls pg 10-12
Stabilizer trim Runaway
- Control wheel-assume manual control and override runaway. PF
- BOTH STAB TRIM-Press,HOLD, Release, DISC Switches. CR
Refer QRH FLT controls p 10-3
Uncommanded Yaw Motion
1.Assume manual control and counter aircraft motion using control Yoke inputs. PF
2.YAW Damper, DISC- Select to Disconnect both Yaw Dampers. PM
Refer QRH Autoflight pg.12-2
Autopilot Fails to Disengage
1.Autopilot-Disengage using AP DISC switch on FCP or other AP/ SP DISC switch. PF
2.Airplane-trim manually using stab trim. PF
Refer QRH Autoflight 12-1
Autopilot Failure/AFCS MSG FAIL warning message
.Autopilot-disengage using AP/SP DISC switch or AP DISC switch on FCP. PF 2.manual control -Resume PF IF below 800agl runway NOT in sight 3. Go Around -initiate. PF Refer QRH CAT II pg 17-1
- APU Fire PUSH-Select. C
Continue Emergency checklist
Smoke PED
- Oxygen Masks/smoke goggles-ON,100%. CR
- Crew & cabin coms- Establish. CR
Call for Smoke PED IAC
Refer QRH SMOKE FIRE if required. P1-8
NO Light OFF
- affected thrust lever-shut off-AC
- Ignition - OFF. AC
- Dry motor until starter time limit. AC
Engine HOT START/N2 Stagnation/Interrupted Start
- Affected thrust lever-shut off. AC
- Ignition -Select ALL OFF. AC
- Dry motor-until ITT is less than 120c or starter time limit. (Whichever comes first)
During landing
excessive asymmetry or loss of braking
- wheel brakes-momentairly release PF
- anti skid- off PF
- wheel brakes-reapply, as required PF
Rejected Takeoff Before V1(anti-skid inop)
- thrust levers-Idle. C
- wheelbrakes-light to moderate braking until safe stop. C
- ground spoilers-check extended, consider manual deployment. C
- Thrust reversers-maximum. C
Rejected Takeoff Before V1 (with anti-skid)
- Thrust levers-Idle. C
- Wheelbrakes-maximum. C
- Thrust reversers- maximum. C