Immaterial Nature of the Self Flashcards
What is the first premise? (Immaterial Nature)
1- I am essentially an indivisible, simple spiritual substance. (true by introspection)
What is the second premise? (Immaterial Nature)
2- Any physical body is essentially a divisible or complex entity. (obvious)
What is the third premise? (Immaterial Nature)
3- The law of identity pertains. (If x is identical to y, then whatever is true of x is true of y and vice versa)
What is the first conclusion? (Immaterial Nature)
4- Therefore, I am not identical with my (or any) physical body.
What is the fourth premise? (Immaterial Nature)
5- If I am not identical with a physical body, then I am a soul. (commonsensical)
What is the second conclusion? (Immaterial Nature)
6- Therefore, I am a soul.