IMF Theory Chapter 2 Flashcards
Define financial market.
Fixed time horizon T in N.
1) Omega (all possible states of the world)
2) A sig-algebra F on Omega, representing all the ‘pertinent’-events, which means the ones we want to be able to give probability to. (If Omega is finite/countable, typically F=2^Omega)
3) Probability measure P on (Omega,F)
4) Filtration IF=(F_t)_t on (Omega,F,P) (information structure, where F_t=information available at time t) F_0={{},Omega} and F_T=F. (Omega,F,P,IF)=filtered prob. space
v) Financial assets:
- Non-risky asset: S^0={S^0_t : t int in [0,T]}, S^0_0=1, S^0t is F{t-1}-m-able i.e. (S^0_t)t predictable.
S^0{t+1}=S^0_t*R_t for t in [0,T-1], R_t F_t-m-able
- d in N\0 risky assets w. price process S^i={S^i_t:t in [0,T-1]}. S^i_t pos. and F_t-m-able (S^i IF-adapted, not predictable)
Define portfolio and wealth.
A portfolio is an IF-adapted process (η, Δ) with values in RxR^d.
More precisely, for any t in [0,T], η_t is the number of shares of the non-risky asset in the port., while Δ^i_t is the number of shares of the i-th risky asset in the portfolio at time t, for i in {1,..,d}.
The wealth associated to this portfolio at time t is given by
where Δ_tS_t=Sum[Δ^i_tS^i_t ; i=1,..,d]
Define consumption process.
For any portfolio, we define the associated consumption process c, by:
c_t:= -η_tS^0t - Δ_t*S_t+( η{t-1}S^0t + Δ{t-1}*S_t)
=( η_{t-1} - η_t , Δ_{t-1} - Δ_t ) * (S^0_t, S_t)^T
A positive c_t means that the investor consumed some of his wealth at t, while c_t<0, means that he injected cash into his portfolio at time t.
Define self-financing.
A portfolio (η, Δ) is self-financing if the associated consumption process is always 0.
Define A(IR^n) (Script A).
A(IR^n):={IR^n-valued, IF-adapted processes}
Characterize portfolio.
A portfolio (η, Δ) can be characterized by the triplet (x,Δ,c) in IRxA(IR^n)xA(IR), where x is the initial capital of the portfolio. Correspondence: η_0 :=x - Δ_0*S_0 η_t=η_{t-1} - (Δ_t - Δ_{t-1})*S_t/S^0_t - c_t/S^0_t
η_t = x - Δ_0S_0 - Sum(Δ_t - Δ_{t-1})S_k/S^0_k + c_k/S^0_k ; k=1,..,t)
Define the wealth process X^{x,Δ}
X^{x,Δ}t:=X^{x,Δ}{t-1}+Δ_{t-1}(S_t-S_{t-1})+(X^{x,Δ}{t-1} - Δ{t-1}S_{t-1})*(S^0t-S^0{t-1})/S^0_{t-1}
Define discounted value.
For any process V, we denote its discounted value by
V~_t := V_t / S^0_t = V_t * d(0,t)
State the discounted wealth process
X~^{x,Δ}t:=[X^{x,Δ}{t-1}+Δ_{t-1}(S_t-S_{t-1})+(X^{x,Δ}{t-1} - Δ{t-1}S_{t-1})(S^0t-S^0{t-1})/S^0{t-1}] / S^0_t
=…=X~^{x,Δ}{t-1}+Δ_{t-1}(S~t -S~{t-1})
It follows that
X~^{x,Δ}t = x + Sum( Δ_k * (S~{k+1} - S~_k) ; t=0,..,T )
=x + Int( Δ_s dS~_s ; [0,t] )
lecture 8
Define arbitrage opportunity.
An arbitrage opportunity is an investment strategy Δ in A(IR^d) s.t.: P(X^{0,Δ}_T >= 0)=1 and P(X^{0,Δ}_T > 0) > 0.
State NA / AoA condition.
For all Δ in A(IR^d):
P(X^{0,Δ}_T >= 0)=1, then P(X^{0,Δ}_T = 0) =1
Consider the setting where T=1, d=1, and assume that Omega is finite.
State the equivalence conditions of NA.
pg 62
Define (IF,Q)-martingale.
Give an example under NA for a given finite prob space (Omega,F,Q).
(X_t)_{t=0,..,T} martingale if X is IF-adapted, and
i) E^Q[ |X_t| ] finite
ii) X_t = E^Q[ X_{t+1} | F_t ] Q-a.s.
Lect notes 8
Define risk-neutral measure.
A prob. measure Q on (Omega,F) is called a risk-neutral measure (or sometimes an equivalent martingale measure EMM) if:
i) Q~P
ii) S~ is an IR^d-valued martingale under Q.
Super/-submarts ineq.
Super: E[M_t|F_{t-1}] leq M_{t-1}
Sub: opp.
Define stopping time.
Characterize stopping time.
An IF-stopping time τ is a random variable taking values in IN s.t.
{τ leq t} in F_t
τ IN-valued stopping time iff {τ = t} in F_t for all t
Define τ_{x,[x,inf)}
Notation for τ_{x,[x,inf)} := inf{ t in IN : X_t>=x }, which is an IF-stopping time.
Define stopped process.
Let Y be an IF-adapted process, and τ an IF-stopping time. The stopped process Y^τ is defined by:
Y^τ_t := Y_min(τ,t)
Define information available at time τ.
F_τ := { A in F | for all t in IN : A n {τ=t} in F_t }
Let Y be IF-adapted and τ an IF-stopping time.
What are Y^τ and F_τ (mathematically)?
i) Y^τ is IF-adapted, F_τ is a sub-sig-alg. of F, and Y_τ is F_τ-mable
ii) If Y is an (IF,P)-mart. (/sub/supermart.), then so is Y^τ.
Define local (IF,P)-martingale
A process M is said to be an (IF,P)-local martingale if there exists a sequence (τ_n)_n of IF-stopping times s.t.
i) lim τ_n = inf (n->inf), P-a.s.
ii) M^{τ_n} is an (IF,P)-martingale for all n in IN.
(τ_n)_n is called a localizing sequence for the local mart. M.
Construct a local mart. from a mart.
M a IR^m-val. (IF,P)-mart. and φ in A(IR^m) BOUNDED! then Y_t=Sum( φ_k * (M_{k+1}-M_k) ; t=0,..,t-1 ) is an (IF,P)-local mart.
BTW: if Q risk-neutral measure, this proves that X~^{x,Δ} is an (IF,Q)-locla mart. for any self-financing port. (0,Δ).
pf: slide 2, lecture 9
Give necessary and sufficient condition for a local martingale to be a martingale.
If M is a IR-valued (IF,P)-local mart. on a fixed time interval [0,T], for some integer T.
Then M is an (IF,P)-martingale if and only if E[M^-_T] < inf, where x^- := max(0,x).