IMCA M 190 Flashcards
What does IMCA M 190 provide?
A framework enabling the development and conduct of an annual Dynamic Positioning (DP) trials program as a contiguous block of trials with an independent IMCA accredited DP practitioner in attendance onboard.
What is The primary objective of the DP Annual Trials program
Prove the attributes of performance, protection, and detection upon which the DP redundancy concept relies for its single fault tolerance and post failure DP capability
Verify that the DP system is fully functional, well maintained and that the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) remains valid
To give failure response awareness, training and experience to Key DP personnel onboard
What is The secondary objective of the DP Annual Trials program
to provide a common standard approach for the auditing and accepting of DP vessels by client
to make the DP testing and acceptance process more efficient and thus save the industry time and unnecessary costs.
Is it possible to concut DP tests without a third party?
No. Except all criteria from digital trials be met from SECTION 8
Can shipboard personnel conduct tests and send evidences (through photographs, screen shots, log printouts, etc) to personnel asshore for evaluation and approval?
What is the DP FMEA used for?
to validate the analysis and the redundancy concept of the DP vessel
What does the the FMEA proving trials ALSO validate and identify?
the performance, protection, and detection attributes on which the redundancy concept relies for its single fault tolerance
What are the key elements a redundant fault tolerant system ?
Performance, Protection, and Detection
What does the programme of tests have to satisfy?
the annual survey requirements of Guidelines for vessels and units with dynamic positioning (IMO MSC/Circ. 1580/645 (as applicable)).
What are DP annual trials?
A series of tests to verify the integrity of the DP system, conducted annually, to prove the attributes of performance, protection, and detection (refer to M190 Section 4.6.5) upon which the DP redundancy concept relies for its single fault tolerance and post failure DP capability.
What are cumulative tests?
A series of tests to verify the integrity of the DP system, conducted over a defined period as part of a Class Approved Data/Digital solution (refer to section 8), to prove the attributes of performance, protection, and detection upon which the DP redundancy concept relies for its single fault tolerance and post failure DP capability
What are rolling tests?
Tests on specified components or systems that have been identified as not being required annually but should be completed within a five-year period.
What is necessary to be an independent witness?
A sufficiently qualified and experienced individual removed from the day-to-day operational control of the vessel. . The independent witness should be accredited according to the IMCA DP Practitioner Accreditation Scheme
What is Trials Co-ordinator?
An individual responsible for the co-ordination of the DP Annual Trials programme. Preferably the Company DP Authority or their delegate
AS per IMCA 190, which IMO circulars are considered for DP trials?
IMCA M 190 consideres that IMO 1580is applicable for all vessels regarding DP testing
Can shipowner carry out the annual trials by themselves? without a third party?
No. On the latest IMCA M 190 update it is mandatory the use a thirdy party to oconduct DP trials
What is the alternative option for annual trials?
DP Annual Trials “Cumulatively” throughout the year using a class approved, data driven verification tool allow review and categorisation of test results by:
- third party verifiers ashore;
- automated ‘algorithmic’ verification
What is the importance of code of practice for the vessel operators?
assisting in the development, conduct and management of a suitable DP Annual Trials programme
What should the DP Annual Trials programme demonstrate?
- the vessel’s ability to maintain position following identified single failures;
- demonstrate the DP system is fully functional and well maintained;
- contribute to the effective management of the DP FMEA;
- ensure the best use of the time available for DP system tests
As per IMO CIRC 1580, how often should annual survrvey be carried out?
Within +/- 3 months before of after each anniversary date of the DPVAD or if not available, the anniversary date of the class initial survey should be used to determine the date of the annual survey
What should include on initial survey?
a complete survey of the DP system and FMEA proving trials for DP Classes 2 and 3 to ensure full compliance with the applicable parts of the guidelines