Imaginative Journey Flashcards
2 fairytale motifs
1. Clock striking 12
2. Carriage to transport Gil into the past.
As Gil immerses himself in Parisian culture symbolized by his solo wandering through Paris at night, Allen employs 2 fairytale motifs in the form of a chiming clock and carriage which transports him into the past.
Gil’s journey into the 1920s and his first encounter with the cast of historical figures, The Fitzgerald’s.
Gil’s imaginative journey into the 1920s is captured through Allen’s use of mise en scene whereby costume and diegetic music of Cole Porter transports Gil into the jazz age. His amazement is captured in numerous mid shots of Gil’s facial expression as he interacts with his literary heroes. His amazement further portrayed in Zelda’s dialogue, “You have a glazed look in your eyes. Stunned. Stupefied. Anesthetized. Lobotomized.” This cumulative listing showcases the power of vocabulary and having your create potential supported by peers.
Techniques of the fairytale motifs.
- Recurring motifs.
- Symbolism.
Techniques seen in the scenes, Gil’s journey into the 1920s.
- Mise en scene.
- Costume.
- Diegetic music.
Technique’s in the scene of Gil’s first encounter with the cast of historical figures, The Fitzgerald’s.
- Mid shots.
- Facial expression.
- Dialogue.
- Cumulative listing.