Images Flashcards
Zenker diverticulum
- Defect between stylopharyngeus and cricopharyngeus muscles
Atheroembolic petechiae
- RF: high cholesterol
Mixed cryoglobulinemia
- Palpable purpura, arthralgias, peripheral neuropathy
- Chronic viral illness: Hep B, Hep C, EBV, ZVZ
- Chronic inflammatory disease: SLE
Councilman body
- Acute Hep A / Yellow fever
- Apoptosis of hepatocytes via extrinsic apoptosis pathway
- Balooning hepatocytes & Councilman bodies
- Chloroquine: eliminates intraerythocytic paarasites
- Primaquine: eliminates exoerythrocytic hypnozoites (P vivale, P ovale)
Left crus cerebri infarct
- Black-staining myelin
- CL UMN Sx: spastic hemiparesis
Duplex collecting system
- Complications: ureteral obstruction
- Hydronephrosis
- Recurrent UTI
Malignant melanoma
* Asymmetry w/ irregular borders
* Variable coloration
* Diameter >6 mm
* Characterized by thinned trabeculae
* Commonly a/w vertebral compression fractures
Reactivated TB
* Upper lobe consolidation
Fibromusclar dysplasia
* Renal artery stenosis
* Bead-like: alternating dilation and stenosis
Renal papillary necrosis (RPN)
- Analgesic abuse
- ADH: no effect on urine osmolarity & volume
Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD)
- Prussian blue stain shows iron storage
- Hx of rheumatoid arthritis
- Caused by COPD
- Increased density of normochromic, normocytic RBCs
Cryptococcus neoformans
- Meningitis in AIDS patients
Owl’s eye
Thumb sign
- Haemophilus influenzae
Interstitial pneumonia
PCP pneumonia
Bullet-shaped capsid
- Rabies
Lobar pneumonia
Abducens nerve (CN VI)
Jejunum & ileum
* Jejunum: feathery appearance w/ oral contrast
* Jejunum: prominent plicaecircularis, greater mucosal surface area
Noncaseating granulomas
* Sarcoidosis (type IV HSR)
Placenta accreta
* Postpartum hemmorhage
* High density of normochromic, normocytic RBCs
Retroperitoneal bowel perforation
* Free air in retroperitoneum
* PUD: duodenal ulcer perforation
* Complication of congenital collecting system abnormalities
A & B: Inferior cerebellar peduncle
C & D: Medial lemnisci
E $ F: Medullary pyramids
Cryptococcus neoformans
- Immunocompromised patient undergoing chemotherapy
- Narrow-based budding
- Bright red capsules stained with mucicarmine or Acid-Schiff stain
Acne vulgaris
* Follicular epidermal hyperproliferation w/ excess sebum production & bacterial overgrowth
* Small arterial malformations
Direct inguinal hernia
* Medial border: rectus abdominis muscle
CMV infection
* Owl’s eye appearance
* HUV/AIDS patient
B-thalassemia major
* Microcytic anemia
* B-globulin mutation
* Nonpruritic morbilliform rash
* Hx: Staph infection
A & B: lateral aspects of anterior parietal (postcentral gyrus) and posterior frontal lobes (postcentral gyrus)
C. prefrontal cortex
D. posterior, super temporal gyrus, Wernicke area
E. supramarginal gyrus$ inferior lateral parietal lobe
F. area anterior to premotor & supplementary cortices
G. medial aspects of anterior parietal (postcentral gyrus) & posterior frontal lobes (precentral gyrus)
H. medial parietal cortex posterior to somatosensory cortex
I. occipital lobe
Acute pyelonephrits
* Lymphocytic infiltrates in renal tubules
Multiple sclerosis
* White matter hyperintensities w/ periventricular lesions
Kawasaki disease
* Hx: fever, rush, proximal coronary artery dilation
Diabetic nephropathy
* Proteinuria
* Long-standing hyperglycemia
Left psoas abscess
* Difficulty w/ flexion
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)
* CLL —> autoantibodies —> warm AIHA
* Increased focal areas of calcification
Spleen rupture
* Motor vehicle collision
Calcified congenital bicuspid aortic valve
Myasthenic Lambert-Eaton syndrome
* Proximal muscle weakness of lower extremity
* Autoantibodies against voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on presynaptic neuron
Tinea versicolor
* Superficial epidermal Malassezia furfur infection
Distal radial fracture
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
* Type 2 pneumocytes undergo hyperplasia during recovery
Injury site causing Horner syndrome (B)
* Ptosis: left eyelid
* Miosis: left pupil
* Diminished flushing & sweating on left half of face
“Cherry-red” spot on macula
* Child: LSD (Niemann-Pick disease, Tay-Sachs disease)
* Adult: central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)
Foam cell (lipid-laden macrophage)
* Niemann-Pick disease
Gaucher cell: lipid-laden macrophage resembling crumped tissue paper
* Gaucher disease
Globoid cell: neuronal tissue
* Metachromic leukodystrophy
* Apple-green birefringence under polarized light
* Deposits around blood vessels
* Congo red staining
* Deposits around blood vessels
Barrett esophagus
* Metaplasia: squamous to columnar epithelium
* Precursor to adenocarcinoma
Caseating granuloma
* TB infection
* Systemic mycosis
Coagulative necrosis (kidney)
* Infarction of organs except brain
Coagulative necrosis (kidney)
* Infarction of organs except brain
Dry gangrene (foot)
* Ischemia of lower limb, GI tract
Fatty change of liver
Fibrinoid necrosis (blood vessels)
* Malignant hypertension
* Vasculitis
Red/hemorrhagic infarct (testicle)
* Blood reentry in loosely organized tissue
* Pulmonary or testicular infarction
* Vitamin A deficiency
* Metaplasia: thin squamous lining of conjunctiva to stratified keratinizing squamous epithelium
Myositis ossificans
* Occurs during healing after skeletal muscle trauma
* Metaplasia: skeletal muscle to bone
Noncaseating granuloma: no central necrosis (nucleated)
* Reaction to foreign material
* Sarcoidosis
* Beryllium exposure
* Crohn disease
* Cat scratch disease
Caseating granuloma: central necrosis (anucleated)
* TB
* Fungal infections
Hereditary angioedema
* C1 inhibitor deficiency
Medulla (upper)
A & B: inferior cerebellar peduncles
C & D: medial lemnisci
E & F: medullary pyramids
Spinal cord
A & J: fasciculus gracilis (dorsal column)
B & I: fasciculus cuneatus (dorsal column)
C & H: lateral corticospinal tracts
D & G: lateral spinothalamic tracts
E & F: anterior corticospinal tracts
Musculocutaneous nerve
* Travels between biceps brachii & brachialis muscles
Gastric mucosa
A. Gastric mucous neck cell
B. Parietal cell
C. Chief cell
D. Vascular endothelial cell
E. Perivascular fibroblast
Actinic keratosis
* Light pink, ill-defined macules w/ gritty texture in areas of prolonged sun exposure
* Precancerous: SCC
* Joint space narrowing: asymmetric
* Subchondral sclerosis & cysts
* Cartilaginous plate between epiphysis & metaphysis near distal end of long bones
* Child (A): translucent area
* Adult (B): ossified radiopaque stripe
* Multiple small erythematous papules frequently excoriated from scratching (intensely pruritic)
* Malar rash
* Discoid rash
Sjögren syndrome
* Lymphocytic sialadenitis
* Sclerodactyly
Intestinal crypts
* Stem cell location in GI tract
Hypertrophic scar
* Excess type I collagen deposition localized to wound
Granulation tissue
* Initial phase of wound repair
* Consists of fibroblasts, capillaries, myofibroblasts
* Contains type III collagen
* Excess type III collagen that is disproportionate to wound
Stratum basale (epidermis)
* Stem cell location in skin
Myocardial scarring
* Due to wound repair after MI
Ovarian carcinoma metastasis
* Seeding of peritoneum –> omental caking
* Malignancy of immature retinal cells
* Both copies of RB1 TSG must be mutated
Pneumocystis jirovecii
* Methenamine silver stain confirms diagnosis
Hereditary spherocytosis
* Normocytic anemia
* Spherocytes & reticulocytes on blood smear
Bilateral hippocampal lesions
* Medial temporal lobe
* Inability to learn & recall new facts
Subdural hematoma
* Crescent-shaped fluid collection not bound by suture lines
Right bundle branch block
* Delayed right ventricle depolarization
* Widened QRS complex
* Deposition of unconjugated bilirubin in basal ganglia, pons, and cerebellum of newborn
* Interstitial inflammatory infiltrate
Fetal hydrocele
* Patent processus vaginalis results in collection of peritoneal fluid in fetal scrotum
Tubular adenoma
Transverse section of penis
A. Superficial dorsal vein
B. Tunica albuginea & Buck fascia
C. Urethra
D. Corpus cavernosum
Graves disease
* Diffuse goiter
Graves Disease
* Follicular hyperplasia
* Scalloped colloid
* Chronic inflammation
Multinodular goiter
* Enlarged thyroid w/ multiple nodules
Follicular thyroid adenoma
* Benign proliferation of thyroid follicles surrounded by fibrous capsule
Hashimoto thyroiditis
* Chronic inflammation: germinal centers (lymphoid follicles)
* Hurthle cells: eosinophilic metaplastic follicular cells
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)
* Defined by nuclear features: clear, Orphan Annie Eye nuclei & nuclear grooves
* Papillae often associated with psammoma bodies
Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC)
* Malignant proliferation of follicles surrounded by fibrous capsule
* Invasion of malignant cells through fibrous capsule
Psammoma bodies
* Concentric lamellated calcified structures
* Seen in papillary thyroid carcinoma, meningioma, papillary serous carcinoma of endometrium/ovary, mesothelioma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)
* Sheets of malignant cells in an amyloid stroma
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
* Undifferentiated malignant cells
* Metastatic calcification of renal tubules: deposition of calcium within normal tissue due to hypercalcemia
* Associated with hyperparathyroidism