Image Quality Flashcards
What is a point spread function?
It is a function that describes the response of an imaging system to a point source or point object. The PSF is convolved with an original image, which produces the blurring.
What is a line spread function?
It is a line convolved with a point spread function, which results in a line spread function. Shows the effective spread of a perfect line due to system and detector limitations.
What is an example of a fundamental theoretical limitation of the spatial resolution of an imaging modality.
The wavelength of the energy used to probe the object. In practice, many resolutions are larger than this limit. For example, an x-ray wavelength is 500nm, but the resolution of images are much bigger.
Which imaging modalities typically have the smallest resolution?
Radiography, mammography, fluoroscopy, and ultrasound. Screen film radiography has a resolution of around 0.08mm, while digital has around 0.17mm. Screen film mammography has a resolution of 0.03mm while digital is about 0.05 - 0.1mm. Ultrasound has a resolution of 0.3mm. Fluoroscopy has a resolution of 0.125mm.
Which imaging modalities typically have the largest resolution?
PET, with a resolution of 5mm and Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) with 7mm.
What physical mechanisms cause blurring?
The “camera” is not in focus (image not at focal point), optical diffusion (secondary particles from x-ray interaction scatter and spread out), digital averaging.
What happens to the 2D Fourier transform of an object when the image is blurred?
The high frequencies decrease, so the high x and y points fade or disappear, making a more centralized plot than previous.
What does MTF stand for and what is it?
Modulation Transfer Function is a very complete description of the resolution properties of an imaging system. The MTF illustrates the fraction (or percentage) of an object’s contrast that is recorded by the imaging system, as a function of the size (i.e., spatial frequency) of the object. It plots the fraction of the original amplitude that will be recorded as a function of frequency.
What units are frequency measured in?
Are high spatial frequencies due to small or big objects?
Small objects.
What physical property does the MTF describe?
The resolution of the imaging system.
How are the line spread function and the modulation frequency functions related?
The MTF is typically calculated from a measurement of the line spread function (LSF). As the line spread function gets broader, the corresponding MTFs plummet to lower MTF values at the same spatial frequency, and the cutoff frequency (where the MTF curve meets the x-axis) is also reduced.
What is the term “limiting resolution” used for?
It is the smallest frequency at which the MTF is at least 10%, it is used to quote the resolution of the imaging system.
How can you use the display contrast to resolve difficult to see objects?
You can narrow the display window so that the range from maximum to minimum contrast is over the small signal range that is relevant to the object. Objects outside of this signal level will appear either black or white (high saturation).
What is the contrast to noise ratio?
It is the difference between the average signal value (per pixel) and the average background value divided by the standard deviation of the background. Essentially, it says how many factors of the background error is the signal significance.
What is the signal to noise ratio.
It is the sum of the difference between a signal and the average background output for every cell, divided by the standard deviation of the background. The size of the signal object (ie number of cells/pixels) thus increases the signal to noise ratio, as it is summed over every cell.
Which one changes as a function of the size of the object: the contrast to noise ratio or the signal to noise ratio.
The signal to noise ratio because it is summed over every signal cell.
Which one is invariant as a function of the size of the object: the contrast to noise ratio or the signal to noise ratio.
The contrast to noise ratio as the numerator is only the difference between the average signal size and the average background size, there is no sum.
What is the true positive fraction and in what context is it used?
It is the sensitivity of a diagnostic decision parameter, defined as the number of true positive diagnoses to the total number of people with the disease (true positive plus true negative): TP/(TP + FP). It is used in conjunction with ROC (receiver operator curve) to define the accuracy of a diagnostic.
What is the true negative fraction and in what context is it used?
It is the specificity of a diagnostic decision parameter, defined as the number of true negative diagnoses (people who truly do not have the disease and are diagnosed as not having it) divided by the total number of people who do not have the disease (true negative plus false positive): TNF=TN/(TN + FP). It is used in conjunction with ROC (receiver operator curve) to define the accuracy of a diagnostic.
What is an ROC curve?
A receiver operator curve. It plots the Ture Positive Fraction vs the False Positive Fraction to characterize how much better than a coin toss is the diagnostic performing (want curve pushed to the top left of the graph to indicate high true positive and low false positive).
What is the false positive fraction?
It is the fraction of people in the normal population who are told that they have the disease. It is defined as FPF=1-TNF (true negative fraction).
What is the sensitivity?
The True Positive Fraction, the fraction of abnormal population that is correctly diagnosed: TP/(TP + FN).
What is the specificity?
It is the True Negative Fraction, the fraction of the normal population that is correctly identified as not having the disease: TN/(TN + FP).
What is meant by kVp?
kVP is the kilovoltage of the x-ray tube that accelerates the electrons. The electrons hitting the target have an energy equal to the kVP in KeV and the emerging photons have up to this maximum energy, but the mean photon energy is typically around 1/3 the kVP after filtering out the lowest energy photons.
What are the two mechanisms that produce x-rays when a beam of electrons hit a tungsten target?
Bremsstrahlung and the production of characteristic x-rays (collide with an electron in the shell, eject it, and another atom falls into the open spot, emitting an x-ray with the energy difference).
Into what form is the majority of energy converted when electrons hit a target?
Heat energy via small collisional energy exchanges with electrons in the target.
How does bremsstrahlung occur in the context of x-ray production?
An electron is slowed down due to Coulomb interactions with the nucleus of an atom. This change in energy causes the electron to emit a photon equal to the energy difference.
What are characteristic x-rays, in the context of x-ray production?
An incoming electron collides with a bound electron, ejecting it from an inner shell. This vacancy is filled by an electron in an outer shell, which emits a photon of energy equal to the energy difference between its previous position and the new shell position. They are called characteristic x-rays because their energies are equal to the energy differences between different shell energies for a particular medium. This causes large spikes in x-ray energy distributions at these energies.
What causes large spikes in x-ray energy distributions at certain energies?
Characteristic x-rays caused by electrons falling from one shell energy to a lower one after a vacancy is produced.
What is the purpose of the anode tube current in an x-ray tube?
It pulls the electrons off of the filaments towards the target.
What is the purpose of the filament current in an x-ray tube?
It heats the filament, creating free electrons.
What are typical voltage and current values for an x-ray tube filament circuit?
10 V and 3 to 7A.
What is the purpose of rotating the anode disk?
It dissipates heat, as the electrons will collide on different parts of it as it rotates.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of a large anode angle with a small filament length?
Large field coverage Small effective focal spot Poor power loading: a small spot on the target receives a lot of heat, it will overheat and turn off.
How does the filament length control aspects of the x-ray production?
The longer the filament length, the wider a strip of electrons that will hit the tungsten target and emerge straight down at a right angle to the orginal electron beam. The larger the filament length, the larger the effective focal spot of the x-rays on the object.
How does the anode angle control aspects of the x-ray production?
The anode angle is angle between the tungsten target surface and the electron beam. Increasing this angle results in a larger target surface area presented to the electron beam and, thus, a larger field of coverage (beam of x-rays emerging from the tube and spreading outwards).
What does it mean for a cathode to be space charge limited?
It is producing more free electrons that can be pulled off the filament by the anode. Increasing the anode tube current can fix this.
What is the heel effect in x-ray production?
In X-ray tubes, the heel effect or anode heel effect is a variation of the intensity of X-rays emitted by the anode depending on the direction of emission. Due to the geometry of the anode, X-rays emitted towards the cathode are in general more intense than those emitted perpendicular to the cathode–anode axis. This is because the anode is on an angle and attenuates, or absorbs, some of the x-rays traveling straight down perpendicular to the cathode-anode axis.
What is off focal radiation in x-ray production?
It is radiation that originates from any part of the anode that is not the focal point (small target area that the filament is aimed at). This occurs when electrons striking the focal spot bounce off and are attracted back to the anode outside the focal spot region, hitting the target and producing an x-ray, which passes through the collimator.
How does filtration affect the energy profile of x-rays emitted from an x-ray tube?
The unfiltered x-ray output is linear, with the most x-rays being emitted at very low energy. The filter preferentially attenuates low energy photons, removing almost all below 15 KeV, and creating a humped distribution peaking near the middle energy of the range (~40 KeV in class example of a 90 kVp voltage) and decreasing in a linear way at the high range.
What is voltage ripple?
Small residual periodic variation of the direct current (dc) output of a power supply which has been derived from an alternating current (ac) source. The example showed how an ac current is turned into dc by removing the negative part of the dc curve and adding many pulses with slight shifts.
What is meant by the quality of radiation?
Its penetrating ability.
How does the Z of the x-ray tube anode tube affect the likelihood of interactions?
Interactions are more likely with high Z.
How is the efficiency affected by the Z of the anode material in x-ray tubes?
It is roughly proportional to Z.
What factors affect x-ray emission from an x-ray tube?
The anode target material, the tube voltage, and the tube current.
What is the purpose of the x-ray tube voltage?
It creates a voltage difference between the filament and the target (anode), which accelerates the electrons across the tube to the target.
How does the x-ray tube voltage affect the quality and quantity of the x-rays?
Increased voltage increases x-rays: # X-rays is proportional to kV^2.
Increased voltage increases the average energy, making the photons more penetrating.
How does the tube current affect the emitted x-rays?
The number of x-rays is proportional to the tube current, since the number electrons accelerated across the tube is proportional to the current. More crashing electrons increases x-rays linearly.
How does the beam filtration affect the outgoing x-rays from a tube?
It reduces the quantity of x-rays, but increases the quality by attenuating low energy photons, which increases the average energy of the beam. It can reduce dose to the patient, as low energy beams tend to be absorbed in the body and only contribute dose.
What is a half value layer (HLV)?
It is the amount of material that must be put in front of the beam to reduce the beam by 1/2. In safety regulations, it is usually quoted as a minimum requirement because the low energy stuff just contributes to harmful dose. That is, if the HLV is less than the width of a person’s body, then half of that beam is going to give a dose to them. Longer HLV means more will just pass through.
Why is the Half Value Layer (HLV) usually a minimum requirement in safety regulations?
In safety regulations, the HLV is usually quoted as a minimum requirement because the low energy stuff just contributes to harmful dose. That is, if the HLV is less than the width of a person’s body, then half of that beam is going to give a dose to them. Longer HLV means more will just pass throu
How is magnification produced and defined for radiography.
Magnification occurs because the x-ray beam spreads wider over time. Thus, the width of the beam hitting the object grows wider before reacher the imager. It is defined as the ratio between the image length and the object length: M= L(image)/L(object).
Similarly, it can be defined as the distance between the x-ray source and the patient plus the distance from the patient to the imager, divided by the first distance: M = a+b/a
What is the effect of having a large anode angle and a large filament length in an x-ray tube?
Large field coverage, large effective focal spot, good power loading.
What is the effect of having a small anode angle and a long filament length in an x-ray tube?
Small field coverage, small effective focal spot, good power loading. Results in a sharper image, but smaller coverage.
Why would we want to minimize the distance between the patient and the film for radiography?
To reduce blurring. X-rays hitting edges originate from slightly different sources in the beam, so between edge and film, they could separate in different directions. Want to minimize this effect.
Also reduce the magnification. It’s not a bad thing, but might be desired in some circumstances.
How does the magnification change when considering a patient with measureable thickness (ie a real person)?
The magnification factors are adjusted to account for the surface to source measurement. M= (a’ + b’)/a’, where a’ is the distance from the patient to the source, and b’ is the distance from the opposite surface of the patient to the film.
How does the thickness of the screen used in radiography affect the signal?
Thicker screens produce more signal (more interactions inside the screen), but they are more blurred because there is more space for diffusion of signal. The signal is stronger, but wider with a thick screen.
Why are the parts of the radiography film that didn’t get any photons lighter than the areas that did?
The film is coated in positive silver ions. When photons hit the film, they knock electrons free, which fill the ion holes, creating regular silver. In the developing process the excess silver ions are washed away, leaving silver only in the spots that recieved a dose.
When reading radiography films, how is the optical density defined?
The optical density is the log fraction of the intensity of light coming through the film, defined as
OD= - log_10(T), where T is the ratio of the intensity of light traveling through the area of the film from a light table to the intensity of the light table without the film in the way: T=I/I_o
OD=1 is corresponds to T=10%
OD=2 is corresponds to T=1%
OD=3 is corresponds to T=0.1% of light getting through the film.
How is the optical density of a radiography film related to the kerma?
The kerma is proportional to the number of photons that reached the film through the patient. A typical OD vs Kerma plot shows a linear relationship when the kerma is plotted on a log scale, where both the OD and Kerma increase together after an initial flat “toe” region and before a flattening at the end called the “shoulder”. The linear region is the part useful for measurements.
What type of response does the light passing through the film have in relation to the kerma?
The light intensity increases logarithmically with kerma. This is why the Optical Density is defined as a log.
How could one alter a radiography film to make it more sensitive?
Add more silver ions.
What is meant by “high speed” radiography film?
High sensitivity.
What is meant by a latitude measurement on an Optical Density plot of radiography screen film?
It is a measure of the horizontal distance between two points on a curve. As the horizontal axis represents kerma, and the y-axis the optical density, if two identical y points are compared on two differently sloped characteristic curves, a more narrow lattitude means that a smaller difference in kerma produced a larger difference in OD, corresponding to a more sensitive film. Likewise, the curve with a broader latitude is less sensitive.
What is a characteristic curve for radiography screen film?
It is the optical density (OD) vs log Kerma plot.
What is direct detection for a thin film transistor array?
The scintillators are grown in little towers like a semi conductor. A voltage difference is applied between the top and bottom so that ion pairs are drawn to the surface and depth onto detector elements for detection. These are used for digital radiography. The signal is a single spike, not a point spread function.
What is indirect detection for a thin film transistor?
A scintillator is used to increase the signal, the photons make their way to the array of light sensitive detectors. Because the photon showers can difuse, the signal has a point spread function, not a single spike.
What is the effect of increasing the conversion efficiency of a digital radiography screen?
A higher percent of photon energy is converted to light, you get a higher electronic gain for the same screen thickness. Thus, fewer incident x-rays are required and a lower dose is given to the patient.
What is the effect of increasing the absorption efficiency of a digital radiography screen?
The thicker screen gives a higher electronic gain.
What is a typical absoption efficiency for x-rays incident on a screen?
What is a typical conversion efficiency (photons converted to light in the scintillator) for photons on a radiography screen?
10%. Sincethe light photons are about 2eV each and typical x-rays are around 140kPV, that’s about 2,000 light photons per x-ray.
What is a scatter to primary ratio?
It is the ratio of the number of scattered photons reaching the film to the number of primary photons reaching the film:
SPR= S/P (scatter over primary)
The fraction of scattered to total is:
F=S/(S + P)
What is an anti-scatter grid?
It is a grid above the TFT of little stoppers, or fences, that attenuates any photons that aren’t traveling on a path directly from the source. Gets rid of the scatter.
What does a high anti-scatter grid ratio affect?
The grid ratio, which is the ratio of the height of the grid to the width between the fences H/W, reduces more scatter at higher ratio, but also reduces the number of primaries reaching the detector.
What is the approximate Z value for soft tissue?
What factors do we take into consideration when choosing a filter material for mammography?
We want to cut off higher energy regions and leave the nice spikes from the characteristic radiation of the target, as these spikes around 20 KeV fall into a region where the attenuation of the glandular and fat tissues are more separated from “infiltrating ductal carcinoma”, early stage cancer, allowing for them to be distinguished on the scans. So, look for a material that has a nice spike in attenuation after 20 KeV (ie some characteristic radiation). Molybdenum (Z=42) has a k-edge of 20 KeV and Rhosdium has k-edge of 23.2 KeV, so works well.
What is the Z number of Molybdenum?
What is the k-edge of Molybdenum and what are the energies of the characteristic x-rays?
k-edge of 20 KeV and characteristic x-rays of 17.9 and 19.5 KeV.
What is the k-edge of Rhodium and what are the energies of the characteristic x-rays?
k-edge of 23.2 KeV and characteristic x-rays of 20.2 and 22.7 KeV.
What is a normal focal spot size of mammography?
0.3 mm
What are the advantages to flattening the breast for a mammography?
Flattening the breast reduces scatter and reduces dose, as the photons have a shorter path to travel.
What is the ideal photon energy for mammography?
Around 19-20 KeV
How many images does a typical fluoroscopy scan have?
What are the dose requirements for fluoroscopy?
Extremely low. Because there are so many frames, each frame must have 1/1000 the dose of a radiographic image.
What is the frame rate that our eye percieves as “real time”?
30 frames/sec
How does the image intensifier work for fluoroscopy?
Just like a photomultiplier tube, but also with focusing, as the image output is much smaller in size than the incoming image.
How is the x-ray signal converted to light in fluoroscopy?
The x-ray hits CsI tubes, grown in thin tall towers that act like a scintillator. They carry the light to the photocathode, which emits electrons when struck.
What is pincushion distortion?
It is a distortion of the original fluoroscopy input image to be curved inwards at the edges. It is caused by the transition from a curved input surface to a flat output surface. The field of view must be shrunk to avoid the large distortions at the end.
What is the brightness gain for fluoroscopy?
It is around 2500 to 7000, defined by the ratio of intensity in to intensity out.
What is continuous fluoroscopy?
It is a mode of fluoroscopy where the beam is on continuously. The images are binned in 1/30th of a second for the display.
What is variable frame rate pulsed fluoroscopy?
The beam has little pauses in it between frames, which reduces dose.
How is the resolution affected when you increase the field of view on a fluoroscopy display?
The resolution gets worse.
What are typical resolutions for a 27 cm flat panel system and image intensifier?
image intensifier: 1.6 and flat panel: 2.5 line pairs/mm
What are typical resolutions for a 40 cm flat panel system and image intensifier?
image intensifier: 1.3 and flat panel: 1.8 line pairs/mm
What are typical resolutions for a 14 cm flat panel system and image intensifier?
image intensifier: 2.7 and flat panel: 3.2 line pairs/mm
Fallout in brightness at the periphery of a fluoroscopic image is called what?
Pincushion distortion.
What is fluoroscopy used for at TBCC?
It is used for liver cancer. You can watch the organs moving and test breath hold and compression techniques in preparation for radiation therapy.