IM Flashcards
Prevent post-op DVT/PE
Chest tightness
Nonproductive cough worse at night
B/l end-expiratory wheezes
Underlying mechanism?
Activation of mast cells (asthma)
Acute unstable angina
Next step?
Admit to hospital for workup
Acute hypercalcemia
First step in tx?
IV 0.9% normal saline
55 y/o w hx of HTN
Ripping CP
CXR - wide aortic root, dilated ascending aorta
Most likely cause?
Medial degeneration of the aorta - dissection
Suspect CVID
Next step in dx?
Serum Ig levels
Inflammatory arthropathy tx?
Perforated esophagus from upper endoscopy
Next step?
Operative repair of esophageal injury
B12 deficiency
Mechanism of anemia?
Impaired DNA synthesis
Best study to evaluate effectiveness of a new therapy
RCT vs standard therapy
Lipid surveillance for those under 40
Every 4-6 years
77 y/o F 3 months SOB on exertion
Relief with rest
EKG LBBB unchanged from 1 year ago
Next step to dx SOB?
exercise stress echo
47 y/o M progressive DOE for 6 months Murmur dx'd in high school Slow carotid upstroke Systolic murmur at RSB radiates to apex No change with valsalva Paradoxical splitting of S2 EKG LVH Underlying cause of murmur?
Congenital bicuspid aortic valve
32 y/o G1P1 F w b/l milky breast d/c
Stopped breastfeeding 1 year ago
Elevated prolactin, normal TSH
Acid base disturbance in cardiogenic shock?
Primary metabolic acidosis (anion gap lactic acidosis)
47 y/o M w 4 days of bloating and diarrhea watery, non bloody, foul smell Recent travel to Middle East No F Organsim?
ABX tx for pyelo
IV ceftriaxone
50 y/o M massive hematemesis
Then faint, cold, sweaty
Tachycardia, low BP, low Hct
Next tx step?
Rapid infusion 0.9% isotonic saline (hemorrhagic shock)
Failure to void after removing indwelling foley
Post-catheter urethral inflammation with resultant acute urinary obstruction
Acute urinary obstruction tx?
Urologic emergency - place Foley to prevent bladder rupture
57 y/o F in MVC RUE swelling and crepitus Extends DIP and PIP joints Can't extend MCP of wrist XR mineshaft fx of humerus Dx?
Radial nerve injury
68 y/o M severe CP 2 hours, SOB 30 minutes
Hx DM2 and HTN
JVD, b/l crackles, S3 and S4 gallop
SpO2 88%
CXR perihilar infiltrates and enlarged silhouette
EKG ST elevations and T inversions V1-V6
65 y/o M w + routine heme occult
Next step in evaluation?
32 y/o F w polyuria, blurry vision, rapid breathing
Tachycardia and tachypnea
Glucose 783
Cause of acidosis?
Accumulation of B-hydroxybutyric acid (DKA)
27 y/o F w face and leg swelling 2 weeks
Face decreases and legs increases over day
Low albumin
Cause of edema?
Nephrotic syndrome
27 y/o M with MR 3 weeks vomiting after eating
Partially digested food and weight loss
Area of scalp alopecia
Dx and tx?
Gastric bezoar
Supportive tx w EGD or surgery for removal
37 y/o M w F and rash for 2 days after 6 weeks of Nafcillin for staph endocarditis
UA findings?
2+ protein, WBC’s, eosinophils (acute interstitial nephritis)
23 y/o M w 2 months of pain and swelling above R knee
Hx retinoblastoma in infancy tx w enucleation
Elevated Alk phos
XR lytic lesion with periosteal new bone at margins
35 y/o F collapsed in restaurant
Tachycardic, tachypneic, low BP
Labored breathing, diffuse bronchospasm, continuous cough
Anaphylactic shock