Illiad Quotes Flashcards
Anger of Achilles Book 1
“Sing, goddess, the anger of Achilles”
“nursing his anger”
Character of Achilles Book 1
“Rivalry, war, fighting - these are the breath of life to you” - Ag
Helen Book 3
“slut that I am”
Divine intervention Book 3
“an easy feat for a goddess”
“I may desert you in my anger … as vehemently as I have loved you up till now”
Gods like men Book 4
“Hera could not contain her anger”
“When is it my turn to sack a town” - Z
Godly power Book 4
Athene brushes the arrow “like a mother brushesa fly from a child”
Role of women Book 6
“Hector you are my mother and brother and father to me” - And
“War will be the mens concern”
Glory Book 6
“May the dirt be piled high above my body before I have to hear your cries as the Trojan cary you off”
Glory Book 7
“My glory will never die” - Hec
Fate Book 8
“The father opened his golden scales… the Achaeans day of doom sank down”
Homer Book 16
“Patroclus, the great fool”
Leadership Book 16
“So, brave hearts, let the Trojans have it!”
“Shield to shield, helmet to helmet, man to man”
Nature of war Book 16
“Battles are won by deeds; the council-chanber is te place for words” - Pat
Fate Book 16
“Already you stand in the shadow of death and inexorabe destiny”
Relationships Book 17
“The son would no grow old in his father’s armour”
Relationships Book 18
“Unhappy mother of the best of men”
Xenia Book 24
“Priam grasped those terrible, man-slaying hands”
Relationships Book 24
“Think of your own father, Achilles”