Iliad events Flashcards
Who shot an arrow at Diomedes?
What did Athena give to Diomedes?
More strength, and she cleared his vision, allowing him to see Gods on the battlefield
Who warned Pandarus about Diomedes approaching?
What did Diomedes pray for after being shot?
He prayed to Athena for help in avenging his injury
Whose armour did Diomedes take?
Echemmon and Chromius- two of Priams sons
How did Pandarus die/
When Diomedes spear hit his face
Why did Diomedes retreat to his chariot after being shot by Pandarus?
So that his charioteer Sthenelus could remove the arrow from his shoulder
Why did Aphrodite help Aeneas?
Because he was injured by Diomedes after he threw a large rock at him, and she’s his mother
What did Aphrodite ask Ares for?
For his horses, so she could return to Olympus
What did Zeus advice Aphrodite to focus on?
Love and marriage
What did Apollo remind Diomedes of?
He reminded him that mortals weren’t equal to immortals
What warning did Diomedes give to Glaucus?
That the father of sons who meet him in battle are sad
Who were Bellerephons children, and which one survived?
Hippolochus survived
Isander and Laodameia
What did Zeus do to Glaucus?
Made Glaucus lose his senses, causing him to give his gold armour to Diomedes, whilst he received bronze in return
What did Glaucus compare the passing of generations to?
To the falling and regrowth of leaves on tree
What did Proetus give to Bellerephon before his exile and why?
A tablet with deadly signs on, as Proetus’s wife, Anteia, falsely accused him of making advances on her
How did Bellerephon prove his skills upon returning home?
He overcame an ambush by the Kings warriors
What battles and challenges did Bellerophon succeed in?
Defeated the:
- Chimaera
- Solymi
- Amazons
How does the encounter between Diomedes and Glaucus demonstrate the power of familial bonds?
Because they both wanted to kill each other at first, but instead chose friendship over conflict after discovering each others lineage
Why does Hektor ask his mother to gather older women to make offerings to Athena?
He hopes that Athena will protect their city and keep the Greeks away
Why does Paris say he isn’t fighting?
Because he’s sad
Why does Andromache plead with Hektor to stay?
He’s the only family she has left, she doesn’t want to become a widow
Who does Hektor ask his mother to make offerings to?
To Athena, as he hopes she will protect Troy and keep their enemy away
Why does Hektor refuse his mother’s offering of sweet wine?
He says that drinking wine will weaken him and he won’t be able to go out and fight again
Where does Andromache go with their son when Hektor can’t find her?
The battlements
What does Hektor pray for when he holds his son?
For him to become a great leader and warrior
How does Helen feel about her role in the events unfolding in Troy?
- She admits to being the hated woman that everyone despises
- She believes their fate was brought on them by Zeus
Why does Andromache go home and gather a group of women to mourn for Hektor?
Because she believes Hektor will die soon
Why did Priam plead with Hektor to not face Achilles alone?
- He knew that Achilles was stronger and better than Hektor
Why did Hektor decide to wait for Achilles and face him head on?
He knew that making a deal with Achilles to return Helen and her treasures wouldn’t work and Achilles wouldn’t show mercy
What role did Athene play in the confrontation between Hektor and Achilles?
- She flew down from Mt Olympus and encouraged Achilles to continue his pursuit of Hektor
- Athene appeared as Deiphobus (brother) to Hektor, who was inspired by ‘Deiphobus’s’ bravery and agreed to fight Achilles
Why did Hektor’s mother plead with him to not fight Achilles?
- She worried they wouldn’t be able to mourn him properly or take care of Andromache
- She feared his body would be left for dogs to devour
How did Zeus and Athene influence the outcome of Hektor and Achilles’ confrontation?
- Zeus considered whether to save Hektor from his impending death
- Athene argued against Zeus’ decisions and said that his fate had long ago been sealed
Why did Hektor believe retreating would bring shame on him?
It would cause lesser Trojans to criticise him
What did Hektor pose to Achilles before their final battle?
To treat each others body’s with respect if one of them died
How did Achilles react when Hektor offered him an oath?
He rejected the idea and cursed Hektor, comparing them to enemies who would never make peace
What did Achilles do to dishonour Hektor’s body after killing him?
He tied his body to his chariot and dragged it beyond him
What did Hektor offer as a ransom in an attempt to spare his body?
Stores of gold and bronze
How did Achilles react when Hektor pleaded for his body to be spared?
Achilles said he wished his fury could drive him to eat Hektor raw, and no amount of gold could push him to give his body back to his parents
How did the people of Troy react to Hektor’s death?
Hecabe tore at her hair and Priam groaned in anguish
A wave of grief spread around the city
How did Achilles prepare Hektor’s body before giving it to Priam?
He summoned two servant girls to wash and anoint the body with perfumed oils, dressed it in a tunic and wrapped it in a cloth
What warning did Achilles give to Priam?
After Priam asked to be given Hektor straight away so he could get back to Troy, Achilles warned him to not keep trying as he might kill him if pushed too far
What did Achilles promise to the dead Patroclus?
That even in death, he would receive his fair share of the ransom payment
What did Achilles and Priam do whilst sitting together?
They mourned together
How does the story of Niobe serve as a parallel to Priam’s situation?
Niobe’s children were all killed by Apollo and Artemis after she boasted about having more children than Leto
What happens in Book 5?
- Athena helps Diomedes
- Diomedes and Pandarus fight
- Aeneas is injured trying to protect Pandarus
- Diomedes injures Aphrodite and she is taken to her mother
- Diomedes tries to injure Apollo
What happens in Book 6?
- Diomedes and Glaucus meet
- Hektor arrives at Troy, and meets with his family
What happens in Book 22?
- Lead up to Hektor and Achilles’ duel
- Hektor’s death
What happens in Book 24?
- Priam gets Achilles to return Hektor’s body