ILA 3 - sex matters: Flashcards
What is thrush and what is usually seen in it?
- Candadisis (yeast infection)
- ‘White curds’
- Itching
- Miconazole gel
What is seen in trichomonas vaginalis? what is the treatment?
- Fishy frothy yellow smelling discharge
- Soreness/itching pain
- ‘strawberry cervix’
Rx - metronidazole
What is seen in bacterial vaginosis? Is it sexually transmitted? what is its treatment?
- Fishy smelling discharge
- Not sexually transmitted
Rx: nitromidasole
(can try to neutralise acidic environment)
What is seen in Gonorrhoea and what is is caused by? What is its treatment?
- Copious, offensive, yellow urethral pus
- Neisseria gonorrhoea
- Cephatriaxone
What is the treatment for chalmydia?
Rx - doxycycline/azithromycin
- Ring STI clinic for contact tracing
- 80% asymptomatic
Give 2 problems with the COCP:
- Increased risk of venous thromboembolism
- Mood swings
Give the 6 types of contraceptions:
- Progesterone only pill
- Progesterone-only injectable
- Progesterone implant
- Intrauterine contraceptive device (copper coil)
- Progesterone - releasing intrauterine system (Mirena)
How do progesterone only contraceptives work?
- By preventing ovulation.
- Makes endometrium unsuitable for implantation
- Increase viscosity of cervical mucus
- No periods
What are the issues with progesterone only pill?
- Has to be taken at same time each day
- Slight increase risk of breast cancer
When are progesterone only pills/alternative used?
- When breast feeding
- When COCP is contraindicated
How to intrauterine devices work (IUCD)? (copper and progesterone)
- Fertilisation prevented due to effect of copper on ova and sperm
- Increase viscosity of cervical mucus
- Endometrial inflammatory reaction
Progesterone (Mirena):
- Reduced endometrial growth thus preventing implantation
- Increases thickness of cervical mucus
- Ovulation is not usually inhibited
Outline Fraser competence:
- Young person is <16 and understands proffessions advice
- Cannot be persuaded to tell parents
- Will carry on having sex
- Not giving contraception with cause person physical or mental harm
- Best interest