II. Intentional Torts Flashcards
Plaintiff’s Super Sensitivities
- Not to be taken into account unles D knows of them in advance
Who can be liabile for intentional torts
- Everybody!
- In GA, children under age of 13 are statutorily immune from tort liability
What constitutes intent to act?
- Intends consequences of action if it was
- 1) her prupose to bring about the consequence OR
- 2) she was substnatially certain that the consequence would result
Transferred Intent
- Intent can trasnfer from intended victim to actual victim
- Intent can also transfer from intended tort to the actual tort
Battery: Prima Facie
- Harmful or offensive contact
- W/ the person of plaintiff
Battery: Harmful or Offensive Contact
- Harmful: easy
- Offensive: substitute the word unpermitted
- do not take super sensitivies into account unless D knew of them
Battery: A plaintiff’s person
- anything connected with the plaintiff will suffice
Assault: Prima Facie
- Apprehension of
- Immediate battery
Assault: Apprehension
- Apprehension must be reasonable (e.g. someone reaches for wallet when speaking to you casually, reasonable person would not think they’re reaching for a gun)
- Apprehension does not mean fear or intimidation (weakling can still cause apprehension in large man)
- Apparent ability creates reasonable apprehension (unloaded gun aimed at you still apprehension)
Assault: Immediacy
- Words alone are not enough–must be some action
- Words coupled with conduct can be enough
- (say i’m going punch you and shake hands at them)
- Words coupled with conduct can undue the immediacy
- (shake fist while saying if i weren’t your bf i would punch you)
False Imprisonment: Prima Facie
- Sufficient Act of Restraint
- Within a bounded area
Distinguished from false arrest or malicious prosecution
False Imprisonment: Sufficient Act of Restraint
- Threats not enough
- Inaction is enough if there is understanding that defendant could act
- take someone to stranded island and provide them no means to get back
- Must be aware of confinement
- Length-of-time is irrelevant
False Imprisonment: Bounded Area
- a mere inconvience is not enough
- barricades you must walk around
- Not bounded if there is a reasonble means of execape of which P is aware
False Imprisonment: Shoplifting Detnetions
by statute, GA shopkeeper may detain a person fro a reaonable amoutn of time upon a resaonble suspicion of shoplifting
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress: Prima Facie
Fall back position when other tort theories do not work
- Defendant conduct is outrageous
- Phsyical manifestations of the distress