II Flashcards
Board of Ed v Pico
censorship in school libraries are not allowed
Edwards v South Carolina
peaceful protest demonstrations are allowed on public property even if the views are unpopular
Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier
School newspapers are an educational activity and can be censored by the school
West Virginia State Board of Ed v Barnette
requiring students and teachers to recite the pledge is unconstitutional
Everson v Board of Ed
parents or parochial or private school students can be reimbursed for bussing fees because this did not fund church but rather the good of the children
Abbington School District v Schempp
hey Pennsylvania law requiring that each public school day open with Bible reading was struck down
Wisconsin v Yoder
The court ruled that Amish adolescence could be exempt from a state law could compelling school attendance for all 14 to 16-year-olds since the religion required living apart from the world
Wallace v Jaffree
One minute of silence for prayer unconstitutional
Westside Community Schools v Mergens
Equal Access Act of 1984. public schools must provide religious group with the same access to facilities that other extracurricular groups had
Employment Division, Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v Smith
restricted drug use in religious ceremonies. illegal activity is not protected in free exercise
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v City of Hialeah
laws banning animal sacrifices were unconstitutional because they targeted the Santeria religion
George Reynolds v US
Polygamy. Court ruled illegal acts cannot be defended by “religious duty”
US v Miller
Gun dealer wanted to ship guns across state lines. Miller lost bc the state government has the right to regulate interstate commerce
District of Columbia v Heller
District of Columbia had a gun law that banned all handguns. supreme Court said this violated the second amendment
Weeks v US
Exclusionary Rule
Mapp v Ohio
Exclusionary Rule
Katz v US
public telephone booths are protected by the fourth amendment. “Persons not property were protected.”
US v Leon
evidence obtained in good faith that is subsequentially found to be deficient may be used in criminal trials.
Nix v Williams
Inevitable Discovery Rule. allowing evidence discovered as the result of an illegal search to be introduced if it can be shown that the evidence would have been found anyway.
New Jersey v TLO
Girl found with drugs at school. Schools only require a reasonable suspicion to search one’s belongings
California v Greenwood
garbage placed at the curbside is not protected by the fourth amendment
Goss v Lopez
students had rights to notification of charges, explanation of evidence against them, and the opportunity to present their side of the story
Hamdi v Rumsfeld
protects the rights of citizens held by the government as “enemy combatants” to challenge their detention before a neutral decision maker
Rasul v Bush
foreign nationals held at Guantánamo have a right to access US courts
Boumediene v Bush
detainees at Guantánamo Bay may not be barred from habeas corpus
Furman v Georgia
sentence of death itself was not unconstitutional, but the procedure and applications as practiced by the states were. A black man that killed a white man was three times more likely to get the death penalty that I white man that killed a black man
Gregg v Georgia
The death penalty is not cruel and unusual
Roper v Summons
The death penalty for minors is considered cruel and unusual punishment
Payne v Tennessee
victim impact can be considered in sentencing procedures. how was the victim impacted in the incident?
Webster v Reproductive Health Services
upholds Missouri law prohibiting abortion in public hospitals. more leeway first states in regulating abortion
Planned Parenthood S.E Pennsylvania v Casey
Equal protection and the right to privacy. miners need it to have parental consent when obtaining an abortion but wives did not need the consent of the husband
Korematsu v US
American citizens of Japanese dissent could be interned and deprived of basic constitutional rights due to executive order
Regents of the University of California v Bakke
affirmative action is constitutional but racial quotas systems are not.
Grutter v Bollinger
race may be a factor in determining admission, but not the only factor
Reynolds v Sims
“One man, one vote” all districts must be equal in population not area or size
Shaw v Reno
no racial gerrymandering; race cannot be the sole or predominant factor in redrawing legislative boundaries
Ex parte Milligan
civilians cannot be tried in military courts while civil courts are available
US v Nixon
ruled executive privilege (where president could withhold information) unconstitutional except in case of secret foreign and military affairs
US v Morrison
Commerce club power does not support congressional law “violence against women act” which federalized the crime of battery against women.