IHT: exemptions & reliefs Flashcards
What exemptions & reliefs are available for lifetime transfers only?
-Annual exemption
-Family maintenance exemption
-Small gifts exemption
-Marriage exemption
-Normal expenditure out of income exemption
-Taper relief
What exemptions & reliefs are available on death only?
-Woodlands relief
-Quick succession relief
What exemptions & reliefs are available for both lifetime transfers and death estate?
-Spouse exemption
-Charity exemption
What is the annual exemption and what does it allow?
The AE allows individuals to make gifts of up to £3,000 each tax year free from IHT.
The AE is applied chronologically to transfers when they are made.
It should be used after any other available exemption or relief is applied to ensure the AE is available for later transfers.
A maximum of 2 x AE (£6,000) may be available to use against a transfer as a transferor may use the previous tax year’s AE.
What is the family maintenance exemption?
Maintenance payments are not treated as transfers for IHT purposes if made to:
-a spouse (or former spouse if part of a divorce settlement)
-the minor child of either party to a marriage for maintenance, education or training, or if over 18 and otherwise in full time education or training
-a dependant relative to make reasonable provision for their care
What is the small gifts allowance?
Small gifts of up to £250 per recipient can also be made free from tax-a transferor can make as many as they like.
The small gifts allowance is not available if combined with any other exemption, including the AE.
If gifts to any person in the same tax year exceed £250 the exemption does not apply at all for that donee.
What is the marriage exemption?
A gift given in consideration of a marriage to a party of that marriage is exempt up to:
-£5,000 if made by a parent of one of the parties
-£2,500 if made by one party of the marriage to the other
-£2,500 if made by their remoter ancestor e.g. grandparent or great-grandparent
-£1,000 in any other case
Can the marriage exemption and annual exemption both be claimed in respect of the same gift?
Yes, this is possible.
What is the normal expenditure out of income exemption?
A transfer of value is exempt if made:
-from the donor’s income (not capital)
-as part of a normal/regular pattern of giving, and
-do not affect the donor’s standard of living
There is no upper limit to this exemption e.g. a donor could give income away generally each year such as 10% of total income.
What is the spouse exemption?
Gifts between spouses during life and following death are completely exempt, provided both parties are domiciled in the UK.
On a person’s death, spouse exemption will apply to the value of assets transferred to a life interest trust if the surviving spouse receives a life interest e.g. named as the life tenant.
What is the charity exemption?
All transfers to registered charities during life and following death are exempt irrespective of the amount given provided the gift is used exclusively for the purposes of the charity.
The gift must be immediate and not in remainder for the exemption to apply.
What is the reduced rate of IHT if the deceased leaves at least 10% of their estate to charity?
A reduced rate of IHT (36% instead of 40%) may be available if the deceased leaves at least 10% of their estate to charity.
What is the effect of Business Property Relief (BPR)?
The effect of BPR is to reduce the value of a taxable transfer by the amount attributed to the business property. A person must have owned qualifying business assets for the qualifying period of time.
What relief is available under BPR on unquoted shares?
100% relief, irrespective of size or value of shareholding.
What relief is available under BPR on quoted shares?
50% relief, provided the the taxpayer controls the company (50+).
What relief is available under BPR on a business/interest in a business?
100% relief, provided the taxpayer is a sole trader or has a partnership interest.
What relief is available under BPR on assets owned by a taxpayer used for business purposes?
50% relief, provided the assets are used for business purposes.
What is the qualifying period of ownership for BPR?
To qualify the transferor must have owned the business assets continuously for at least 2 years immediately prior to the relevant transfer.
What are the exceptions to the two-year rule for BPR?
-If qualifying assets are sold and replaced with new qualifying assets within a certain period of time, the period of ownership is treated as continuous
-If a person inherits business assets following someone’s death, they are deemed to acquire the assets on the date of death
-If a person inherits business assets following the death of their spouse, they are deemed to have owned the property from the time it was originally acquired by their deceased spouse irrespective of how long they had been married
What is the effect of Agricultural Property Relief (APR)?
APR applies to the agricultural value of the land and not the market value.
The effect of APR is to reduce the value of a taxable transfer by the amount attributed to the agricultural property.
What constitutes qualifying agricultural property?
-Agricultural land and buildings: used for purposes connected with agricultural activity
-Farmhouses and cottages: may qualify if they are of a ‘character appropriate’ to the associated agricultural land and have been occupied for the purposes of agriculture
What is the qualifying period of ownership for APR?
-Occupied for agricultural purposes by the transferor throughout the two years immediately before the transfer, or
-Owned by the transferor and occupied by them or another for agricultural purposes throughout seven years immediately before the transfer
What are the exceptions to the qualifying period of ownership for APR?
-If qualifying assets are sold and replaced with new qualifying assets within a certain period of time, the period of ownership is treated as continuous
-If a person inherits business assets following someone’s death, they are deemed to acquire the assets on the date of death
-If a person inherits business assets following the death of their spouse, they are deemed to have owned the property from the time it was originally acquired by their deceased spouse irrespective of how long they had been married
What rate of relief is available under APR?
100% relief is available if the transferor was the owner/occupier, or the property was let on a tenancy beginning or after 1 September 1995.
50% relief applies in respect of tenancies created before September 1995 but is less frequent.