What is Imperative Verb?
Commanding words.
What is Hyperbole?
Exaggeration often using superlative.
What is Alliteration?
A sequence of words starting with same letter.
What is Direct Address?
Using pronouns , also it engages reader by making them involved in issue discussed.
What is Anecdote?
A short story taken from someone past experience.
What is Flattery?
A Flattery is saying something is nice about reader to get them on your side.
What is Opinion?
A Opinion is a belief.
What is Repetition?
Repeating same words often also so known as Parallelism ,Anaphora.
What is Emotive Language?
Emotive language deliberately designed to arouse the emotions and encourage the reader to feel a particular way.
What is Statistics?
Present in Numbers.
What is Tripling?
Three words or adjective to describe something