IGCSE Flashcards
6.2 robotics
branch of computer science that incorporates the design, construction and operation of robots
(e.g. factory equipment, domestic robots, drones)
6.2 Characteristics of a robot
mechanical structure of framework, electrical components (e.g. sensors, mp, actuators), programmable
6.3 AI
artificial intelligence
: branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviours by computers
1.2 Resolution
number of pixels wide by number of pixels high
1.2 colour depth
number of bits used to represent each colour
1.2 image
series of pixels that are converted to binary, which is processed by a computer
2.1 structure of a packet
packet header, payload, trailer
header –> destination address, packet number, originator’s address
2.1 process of packet switching
data broken down into packets
each packet could take a different route
router controls the route a packet takes
packets may arrive out of order
once the last packet has arrived, packets are reordered
Serial data transmission
one bit at a time // using a single wire
several bits transmitted at the same time // down a several wires
data sent in one direction only
sent in both directions // only one direction at a time
full-duplex / duplex
data transmitted in both directions at the same time
3.1 Microprocessor
type of integrated circuit on a single chip
3.4 Computer needs a ____ to access a network
NIC (network interface card)
3.4 Role of router in a network
sends data to a specific destination on a network, assign IP addresses, connect a local network to the internet
5.1 URL
uniform resource locator.
text-based address for a web page; can contain the protocol, domain name, web page/file name
5.1 purpose of a web browser
display webpages
by rendering hypertext markup language (HTML)
5.1 functions of a web browser
− Convert HTML code
− Display web pages
− Check if a website is secure
− Request web pages from a web server
− Send URL/domain name
− Runs active script
− Store history/favourites/bookmarks
− Create tabs
storing bookmarks/favourites, recording user history, allowing use of multiple tabs, providing an address bar, providing navigation tools, send URL to DNS, managing protocols
1.3 Data storage units
bit - nibble - byte - kibibyte - mebibyte - gibibyte - tebibyte - pebibyte - exbibyte
impact of data compression
less bandwidth required, less storage space required, shorter transmission time
Sample rate
number of samples taken in a second
sample resolution
number of bits per sample
Increasing sample rate & resolution would..
increase the accuracy of recording and file size
byte = _ bit
Increasing the resolution & colour depth will..
increase the file size & quality of image
How are files compressed using lossy
compression algorithm used
redundant data removed
reduce colour depth, image resolution, sample rate, sample resolution, frame rate
reduces sample rate, sample resolution
reduces file size by permanently removing data
how are files compressed using lossless
for images and text
reduces file size without permanent loss of data
original file can be restored
compression algorithm used
example : run length encoding - RLE
repeating frames/pixels identified // collated/indexed // no data is permanently removed // just records the changes between frames
repeated words identified // are indexed // replaced with their index // their positions are stored // number of occurrences stored
Role of CPU
process instructions and data that are input into the computer so that the result can be output
processes data // processes instructions // carries out calculations // carries out logical operations // fetch ,decode, execute
Process of the fetch-decode-execute cycle
PC holds address of next instruction to be fetched// address sent to MAR // using address bus // PC is incremented // instruction is sent from address in memory to MDR // instruction is transferred using data bus // instruction sent to CIR
Instruction set
list of all the commands that can be processed by a CPU and the commands are machine code
What is meant by a MAC address?
Media access control
UNIQUE address // used to identify a device // does not change // set by a manufacturer // first part : manufacturer ID // second part : serial number
uses of hexadecimal
error messages, IP(v6) address, assembly language, HTML colour codes, URL, ASCII.Unicode
DDoS attack. and it’s method of prevention
attacker encourages people to download malware onto their computer
turn each computer into a bot creating a network called a bot net
multiple computers are used as bots // designed to deny people access to a website // large number of requests sent to a server // all at the same time // server is unable to respond // the server fails
prevent - Firewall OR proxy server
characteristics of IP address
unique address // can be static or dynamic // can be public or private // can be IPv6 // can be IPv4
network component that uses IP address to send data only to its correct destination
purpose of CU
send control signals // that manage the transfer/flow of data & instructions within the CPU
decodes an instruction // using an instruction set // manages the execution of instructions in CPU
purpose of core in a CPU
process an instruction // carry out a fetch-execute cycle
increasing core may increase perforance, because more instructions can be processed simulaneously
Advantages of high-level language
easier.quicker to read/write/understand - less chance of mistakes
greater range of languages
easier to maintain
easier to debug
-> can find and correct errors in less time
code is portable
disadvantages of high-level language
not able to directly manipulate the hardware // may need to wait for translation before running // program may be less efficient
IDE (integrated development environment) , and it’s functions
software that provides useful functions for a programmer writing a computer program
code editor, run-time environment, translators, error diagnostics, auto-completion, auto-correction, prettyprint
character set
all the characters and symbols that can be represented by a computer system // each character & symbol assigned a unique value
secure socket layer (SSL)
is a security protocol // encrypts any data that is sent // uses digital certificates // which are sent to user’s browser // that contains the ___’s public key // that can be used to authenticate the ____ // once the certificate is authenticated, the transaction will begin
− Uses (digital) certificates
− ….requested from web server by browser/client // browser/client asks web
server to identify itself
− Server send SSL/digital signature to browser/client
− Client and server agree on encryption method to use
− … that contains the server’s public key
− Browser checks authenticity of certificate…
− … then session key is generated
− … the transaction will begin // sends signal to server to start transmission
what is meant by ROM
read only memory// non-volatile memory // primary storage // holds firmware // cannot be written to
legitimate looking emails sent // encourages user to click link // redirects to a fake website // aim is to obtain personal details
malicious code is downloaded without user’s knowledge // that will re-direct user to fake website // encourages to enter personal details into a fake website
brute-force attack
Trial and error to guess a password //
Combinations are repeatedly entered // until correct password is found //
Can be carried out manually or automatically by software
gaining UNAUTHORISED ACCESS to the computer
steal data file that contains personal details
malware (include types of malware)
virus, worm, trojan horse, spyware, adware, ransomware
email sent to user to encourage them to click link/download attachment // triggers download of malware/virus
social engineering
Manipulating / deceiving / tricking people ///// to obtain data // to force them to make an error
e.g. phishing
how does encryption improve data security
encrypted text is meaningless// need the key to decrypt the text
what is meant by interrupt
signal sent from a device // requests processor time // interrupts have different priorities
benefits of touch screen
does not require peripherals // less chance of input error // number of possible inputs limited
what is meant by HTML structure & presentation
and examples of it
structure : layout of the web page ,
e.g. placement of text, margins, line break, padding, heading, subheading
presentation : formatting of the web page ,
e.g. font colour, font style, font size, image size, background colour
why are structure & presentation often separated
FORMATTING of the page can be edited WITHOUT NEEDING TO ALTER THE STRUCTURE // so they can make regular updates without needing to check the structure
FORMATTING document can be used again for a different website // if further content are added to website, necessary formatting can be easily applied // this can save time when developing a website
can easily change the style of webpage
can add new content and apply same style easily
can re-use presentation for other websites
SOFTWARE/APPLICATION that allows users to view webpages / render HTML
ISP internet service provider
company that provides a user with a connection to the internet
hypertext transfer protocol secure —— secure protocol that is used to send data for web pages across the internet // set of rules for data transmission // combines HTTP and SSL to transmit data // encrypts data for transmission
small text FILEs // stored by the browser // that contains data about a USER’S BROWSING HABITS/DETAILS/PREFERENCES
sent between web SERVER and BROWSER when user visits the website.
set criteria // such as a whitelist/blacklist // firewall examine the INCOMING & OUTGOING traffic // check whether traffic meets criteria // if data is sent that is not on the list, it will be blocked.rejected
prevents hacking
What is meant by a high-level language
uses English-like statements , close to human language // needs to be converted to MACHINE CODE // using a translator // it is portable // one line of code can perform multiple commands
machine independent,
examples of data damage and it’s prevention method
software failure – enable automatic updates
hardware failure – correct care & maintenance of hardware
fire – keep device in a fireproof box when not in use
water – don’t have water near the device
data accidentally deleted – add verification method for data deletion
back data up, use surge protection, don’t drink liquids near a computer
examples of optical data storage
CD, DVD, blu-ray
what is meant by HTML
hypertext mark-up language
used to create webpages
uses / functions of cookies
saving personal details –> no need to be re-entered // tracking user preferences -> can send adverts that match their preferences // holding items in an online shopping cart // storing login details
role of arithmetic logic unit
carries out calculations // carries out logical operations // holds temporary values during calculations // temporarily store data // in a register called the accumulator