Ift 211 Flashcards
What is a number system
This is a set of symbols used to express quantities as a basis for counting, determining order, comparing amount, performing calculations and representing values
what is the binary number system
this is a number system that represent numbers using 0 and 1
what is computer arithmetic
computer arithmetic is a branch of computer science that deals with the methods of representing integers and real values in a digital system and the efficient algorithm for the manipulation of such numbers using the hardware circuits and software routine
what is hexadecimal number system
a number system that uses that uses 16 symbols 0-9 and a-f to represent numbers
state the boolean notation of the following logic function AND OR NOT NAND NOR
A . B
A + B
/A . B
/A + B
what are Boolean algebra
This is the mathematics we use to analyze digital gates and circuit
lit the laws of Boolean algebra
1] annulment law A . 0 =0
A + 1= 1
2] identity law A . 1=A
A + 0=A
3] idempotent law A + A = A
A . A =A
4] commutative law A . B =B.A
A + B=B+A
5]Double negation - when a term is negated twice it is equal to the original term
6] absorption law - it allows for the ruduction of complicated Expression to simpler one by absorbing like terms
7]complement law A . /A =0
A + /A=1
8] distributive
9] assosiative
State De Morgans first and second theorem
first = when two or more input variable are AND then NEGATED, it is equal to the OR of the COMPLEMENT of each individual variable .
ie /A .B = /A + /B
second= when two or more input variable are OR’ed and NEGATED, it is equal to the AND of the COMPLEMENT of each individual variable.
ie /A + B = /A . /B
what are logic gates
these are logical operations performed on one or more binary input to produce a binary output
combination logic gates
are basically designed by combining basic logic gates such as NAND, NOR $ NOT
it is a function of the current input signals
sequential circuits
is a logical circuit whose output depends on the current value of the input signal as well as the sequence of past input
it is a combination of combinational circuit and storage element [which contains previous input variables]
draw the diagram of the following
1] combinational logic circuit design
2]sequential logic design
3] clocked and unclocked sequential circuit
4] Asynchronous circuit
what are the types of sequential circuits and explain
1] synchronous sequential circuit- the state of the device changes at descrete times in response to a clock cycle
2] Asynchronous sequential circuit - the state of the device changes in response to changing inputs
synchronous circuit can be divided into
clocked sequential circuit - the operation of the circuit is controlled and synchronised by the periodic pulse of the clock
unlocked sequential circuit - it requires two consecutive changes between zero and one to alternate the state of the circuit
unclocked mode circuit
it is designed to respond to pulses of certain duration and do not affect the circuit behaviour