IFRS vs GAAP Flashcards
Discontinued Operations
IFRS- individual assets/liabilities remeasured with gains and losses recognized. Reported at lower of CV and FV less cost to sell
GAAP- Not required to be remeasured. Once held for sale there must be an impairment analysis
Extraordinary Items
IFRS - Prohibited
Accounting Changes
IFRS - Retrospective restatement. At a minimum present 3 balance sheets(end of current period, end of prior period,and beginning of prior period) and 2 of other statements.
GAAP- Comparative financials are not required. SEC does require comparative 2 balance sheets, 3 statement of income, owners equity and cash flow
Change in accounting entity
GAAP- Restated
Error Correction
IFRS- Only required to restatement when its impractible to determine cumulative effect
GAAP- no impractibly exception. Always restate
Comprehensive Income
IFRS- includes revaluation surplus of intangible and fixed assets
GAAP - No revaluation surplus
Notes to financial statements
IFRS- Statement of compliance with IFRS. Must comply with ALL IFRS
GAAP- no such requirement
Notes to financials
IFRS- Summary of significant accounting policies includes disclosure of estimates AND JUDGEMENTS
GAAP - No disclosure of judgements
Related party disclosures
IFRS- Disclosure of key management compensation required
GAAP - No disclosure of key management compensation
Risks and uncertainties
IFRS- Required disclosure of ASSUMPTIONS made about the future and other estimation uncertainty
GAAP - Required disclosure of
1) nature of operations
2) use of estimates
3) effect of change in accounting estimate
4) vulnerability to risk
Interim financial reporting
IFRS- must use SAME principles used in annual
GAAP- certain principles may be modified
Segment reporting
IFRS- segment profit or loss, segment assets AND LIABILITIES
GAAP- No liabilities reported
Revenue Recognition
IFRS- 4 categories
1) sale of goods
2) rendering of services
3) revenue from interest, royalties, dividends
4) construction contracts
common revenue recognition criteria include
1) revenue and cost measured reliably
2) economic benefit will flow to entity
GAAP- Revenue recognized when realized or earned. 4 criteria must be met
1) evidence of contract
2) delivery occurred or services done
3) fixed price
4) collection assured
Intangible Assets
IFRS- Research cost expensed
Development cost may be capitalized
Reported using cost OR revaluation model
GAAP - Research and development expensed
Cost model only
No revaluation
Computer Software Development Cost
IFRS- no separate guidance
GAAP - Cost before tech feasibility are expensed
Cost after tech feasibility and before selling are capitalized