IFRS 9 Flashcards
What does IFRS 9 relate to?
It relates to the measurement of Financial Instruments.
How do we measure financial assets under IFRS 9?
We measure at amortised cost (if pass 2 tests) or fair value P & L or OCI
How do we measure financial liabilities under IFRS 9?
We measure them at
amortised cost
What is amortised cost?
Amortised cost is the present value of future cash flows.
If a financial instrument is held for long term and is principle and interest
What tests must be passed to account for financial assets at amortised cost?
We must pass the
BUSINESS MODEL TEST - we intend to hold the asset to collect the contractual cash flows (hold to maturity)
CASHFLOW CHARACTERISTIC TEST - that there is nothing else in the agreement except the payment of principal and interest.
How are financial assets measured at fair value?
Fair value through the P/L
(Asset on SOFP at fv, gains or losses to P/L)
Fair value through OCI
(Asset on SOFP at fv, gains or losses to OCI)
What can be measured at fair value through OCI?
Investment in share- can only be recognised at fair value in OCI if pass two tests.
What are the two tests that allow investment of shares to be measured at fair value through OCI?
- If shares are not held for trading
- If we make an irrevocable election
Nb on disposal of shares gains or losses that went through OCI cannot be recycled to P/L
What does held for trading mean?
We are not intent on selling in the short term but may sell
What else can be measured at fair value through OCI?
We can measure a loan asset - we lent money to someone.
We must pass two tests
What are the two tests to account for a loan asset through OCI?
We must pass
What does the BUSINESS MODEL TO HOLD AND SELL refer to?
Means we don’t know if we will hold it or sell it
Where do we record the gain or loss on the disposal of the loan asset?
The gains or losses that went to the OCI HAVE to be recycled to the P/L
When can we derecognise a financial asset as per IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (measurement)?
We derecognise a financial asset.
- When we lose control by transferring the risks and rewards of ownership to a third party
OR - If the asset expires
OR - If the asset is settled (ie trade debtors pay you what they owe you)
When do we measure financial assets at fair value through the P/L?
It can be used for any financial asset and it MUST be used for:
- Derivatives
- Assets held for trading
What model do we use for the Impairment of Financial Assets under IFRS 9?
We use the Expected Credit Loss Model.
It’s a bad debt forecast.
Its a 3 stage model.