IFRS 16 Flashcards
General notes: IFRS 16
- Given FV (it is PV), URV (this will be the FV)
- ECL is on the PV
- Protective rights do not prevent customer from having the right to direct the use of the asset
- The implicit interest rate is a discount derived from financing agreement with lessor
- VAT suspense account is entity specific and not derived from financing agreement therefore the incremental BR (Entity specific) must be used
- ROUA can also be converted into credit risk through the net investment
- Discount rate is used for head lease to measure discount rate in sublease unless you have an implicit rate
- If given different payments, do NPV calc
- If you have two BR find PV for the both of them and what is the difference?
- At acquisition lease liability and ROUA initially measured at PV of remaining lease payments as though new lease
- Supplier controls how and what no lease
- If supplier has substantive substitution rights no control
- Practical expedient only for lessee not lessor
- A lease modification is change in scope and change in terms and conditions not estimates so account for it as a new lease
- variable lease payments: Dr: Lease expense Cr Bank
Lease Term:
- Add non cancellable period and reasonably certain option to renew
- Include the fact that lessor has cancellation right
- Include rent free period
Example: sale (1 000 000), cost (750 000), call option repurchase (1 100 000) (IFRS 16)
LESSOR: Dr Bank_1m Cr Financial liability_1m sale vs repurchase: Dr Finance expense 100k Cr Finance liability 100k Dr Financial liability 1,1m Cr Bank 1.1m
LESSEE: Dr Financial asset 1m Cr Bank 1m Dr Financial Asset 100k Cr Finance income 100k Dr Bank 1.1m Cr Financial asset 1.1m
Repurchase at amount < SP
Sale = 1m, Cost =750k, Repurchase =900k, i= 9.5%
Dr Bank 1m
Cr Financial liability 821 918
Cr Prepaid lease pmt 178 082
(BGN, p/y=1, FV=900K,PV=1m,i=9.5%.n=1)
Dr Finance expense
Cr Financial liability
(On 821 918)
Dr Prepaid lease pmt 178 082
Cr Operating lease income 178 082
Dr Financial liability 900k
Cr Bank 900k
Sale = 1m, Repurchase = 900k, mv of repurchase= 750k
If repurchase 900k <1m (SP)> Repurchase mv =750k
Contract is a lease and accounted for as a lease (Forward/options)
- Adjust it to reflect favorable terms of the lease
- Market pmt - Initial PMT = new PMT then do TVM
- FV ROUA = adjusted PMT + PV
Initial recognition:
= Lease liability+ initial direct cost+ lease pmts + dismantling cost - lease incentive
Subsequent recognition:
Cost model: Cost less accumulated depr- impairment+ re-measurement lease liability
Short term lease or low value lease
Dr Lease expense
Cr Bank
Dr Prepaid expense
Cr Lease accrual
C/B * probably of default * loss given default
DR Impairment
- Determine the CA of liability to lessee (original pmts +rate)
- Determine CA of liability at acquisition using new rate
- PV of remaining lease pmts at new rate (old liability - new liability)
- Lease liability = ROUA
- ROUA is adjusted for market conditions or terms - Determine new payments + conditions
- PV new pmts with new rate
Deferred TAX
Lease Liability: NPV + INTERETST - PMT