IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement Flashcards
Definition of fair value measurement
The price that would be received to
sell an asset or paid to
transfer a liability in an
ORDERLY transaction
at the measurement date
=> Exit Price
Marke based value
Steps in fair value measurement process
1 - identify asset/liability consistent with unit of account per IFRS
Characteristics :
a) condition + location : age/wear&tear/transport cost
b) restrictions to sell/transfer
2 - determine best + highest use of asset physically + legally possible, economically viable (non financial asset/liability)
3 - identify accessible principle market or
if no principle market most accessible favorable market
(include transaction + transport cost for comparision
include only transport cost in FV)
4 - determine appropriate valuation technique maximising observable items - minimising unobservable items
assumptions market participants would use
What is “orderly transaction”
1) asset traded frequently
- sufficient market exposure to obtain knowledge + awareness
2) motivated not forced or urged
3) weighted based on volume and date when it was measured
What are the characteristics of “market participants”
1) act in their economic best interestindependant +
2) not related partyable +
3) knowledgeable
4) able to enter into transaction (access to market)
5) willing to enter into transaction, not forced/compelled
What are indicators that transaction is NOT “orderly”
1) sold to single market participant
2) market participant near bankrupty
How is the most favorable market determined ?
For determination : take into account transport + transaction cost
For fair value : exclude transaction cost
What valuation techniques are described ?
1-Market approach (market multiples EBITA, matrix pricing)
2-Input approach -> present value techniques/multiperiod excess earnings
3-Cost approach -> cost or rebuilding item taking into account obsolescence
Apply valuation techniques consistently - change = IAS 8 change in estimates
What are the levels and how are they distinguished ?
Level 1-3
Level 1 : Unadjusted quoted price of an identical item on an accessible active market
Level 2 : based on observable inputs with no significant unobservable inputs.
Eg market comparable approach, identical items on inactive market,
level 1 with adj for controlling interests
Level 3 : contains significant unobservable inputs.
Eg Input or cost approach techniques, option price models, multi-period excess earnings
What are the present value techniques in IFRS
1 Discount rate technique :
cashflows : most likely cashflow
discount rate : market rate observed or estimated
Observed :
restrictive covenants
respond similarly to changes in econ conds
Estimated :
risk free (govt bond w/same period)
+ uncertainty premium
+ asset specific risk
2 Expected value techniques :
a) Method 1 :
cashflows : probability weighted cashflows
uncertainty premium
asset specific risk adjustment
discount rate : risk free
b) Method 2 :
cashflows : probability weighted cashflows
asset specific risk adjustment
discount rate : risk free
+ uncertainty premium
Fair value process for liabilities + own equity ?
1-consider transfer, not liquidation
2-quoted price of an identical instrument - if not
3-valuation of equivalent asset
a) if exists :
- adjustment for factors not applicable to liabs
b) if not :
- input/cost approach techniques
4- demand feature : to earliest date settlement demand could be exercised
- credit risk : considered to remain the same
- transfer restrictions : ignored
Disclosures objective of IFRS 13
helps users of its financial statements assess both of the following:
1- recurring or non-recurring assets/liabs:
the valuation techniques and inputs used to develop those measurements.
2- recurring assets/liabs:
significant unobservable inputs the effect of the measurements on PL/OCI for the period
Conditions to measure FV on a net position ?
1) it is an option
2) risk managed by key mgmt on net exposure
3) documented strategy
4) measured at FV
How to determine a discount rate ?
1) risk free rate (govt bonds with same period)
2) systematic/market risk NOT specific to particular asset/liab
willingness of particip to accept risk - may be applied to cf
3) unsystematic/risk to specific asset/liab or probability weighting of cf
4) Consistency in determening rate & avoid double counting
Disclosures requirements
1) ? FV measurement at the end of reporting period
2) ? Categorization within fair value hierarchy
3) ? If level 2 / level 3 category => valuation technique + inputs + change
4) ? Quantitative information about unobservable inputs
5) ? Reasons for measurement
Recurring FV measurements :
a) ? Reconciliation b/f to c/f
b) ? Quantitative information about inputs
c) ? Valuation process
d) ? Sensitivity to changes
What are the components of present value measurements ?
a) estimate of future cash flows
b) Unertainty (possible variations in amount + timing) of cf
c) time value of money (risk free rate)
d) price (risk premium) for bearing uncertainty in cf
e) other factor market participant would take into account
f) liability : own credit/non performance risk