IFR Sim Check Flashcards
What are the requirements to keep an instrument rating current?
Last 12 months:
- Passed initial issue flight test, or
- Passed flight exam and had logbook signed by a flight examiner
Last 3 months:
- Passed 12-month check as above, or
- 3 hrs instrument time (1 must be instrument flight time)
- 3 published Instrument approach procedures (1 may be simulated
- 1 similar type of approach (sim or flight)
What type of thrust aircraft must competency be demonstrated if you want to be able to fly IFR in the DA42 and DA40?
A non-centerline thrust aircraft (the 42)
What are the eligibility requirements for the issue of an instrument rating? (6)
- Current licence with night privileges for the appropriate category
- Acceptable flight time experience
- Completed ground theory courses
- Complete at least 10 hrs dual instruction
- Valid written exam credit
- Successfully pass a flight test with an examiner
On leaving Massey with a VOR, ILS and PBN how can I get approval to fly an NDB (gross) approach?
- Apply for it from the director and pay the applicable fee
- Flight examiner must certify in logbook satisfactory demonstration of the approach aid
What are the privileges of an instrument rating?
-Act as PiC or co-pilot of an appropriate aircraft under IFR
What are the limitations of an instrument rating?
-Must have class 1 medical or class 2 medical with class 1 hearing
-Centerline vs non-centerline
-Approach aid is certified
Has passed the test to single-pilot vs multi-pilot standard
What fuel requirements are required under IFR?
Sufficient fuel to get to the destination with respect to forecast and reported weather and;
No alternate:
45 minutes hold @1500ft AGL (Piston)
30minutes hold @ 1500ft AGL (Gas turbine)
Proceed to alternate and then hold overhead as above
When must a PiC list an alternate for an aerodrome?
Always unless;
- Destination has a published instrument approach procedure
- At time of submission met forecasts indicate at the ETA +/- 1 hr the conditions will be at least ceiling 1000ft above MDA/DA and vis 5km or 2km more than minima for expected approach
What are the met requirements to list an aerodrome as an alternate?
Forecast weather at the ETA indicated that the met conditions will be above:
- Those listed in ENR 1.5-45, or
- PA: 600ft ceiling or +200ft, 3km vis or +1000m on minimums, or
- NPA: 800ft ceiling or +200ft, 4km or +1500m on minimums, or
- VFR met minima for flight below MSA
What are the technical requirements of an aerodrome required to list it as an alternate?
- Secondary power source for the ground-based nav aids and lighting system (night only)
- AD has fully serviceable ground-based nav aid with published instrument approach procedure
- Aircraft and crew are capable of carrying out an instrument approach using that nav aid
When must you notify ATC is you have a degradation of GPS in flight? What else must you do?
- RAIM for more than 10 minutes
- DR for more than 1 minute
-Must verify your position with other IFR means every 10 minutes
Can you commence an RNAV instrument approach with a RAIM warning?
What is the minimum flight altitude?
The highest of:
- ATC cleared altitude
- Upper limit of VHZ/ restricted/danger/military area
- Limiting minimum crossing altitude
- Applicable MEA/MRA
What types of departures can be made under IFR?
- Visual/ visual segment
- Climb on track above distance steps or VORSEC steps
- Climb in an evaluated sector
- Radar controlled
What is the difference between PBN and RNAV?
PBN requires on board self contained performance monitoring and alerting
What is the difference between Sole and primary means nav systems?
Sole: Has Accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability for the operation or phase of flight
Primary: Has accuracy, integrity but not full continuity and availability requirements of the operation or phase of flight
When may you use sole means GPS?
In the AOFIR only
What additional equipment must you have if using GPS primary means in the NZFIR?
ATO: 2 other approve sole means nav systems
Not ATO: 1 other operable sole means nav system
How many pilots are required to operate an aircraft under IFR?
Not less than 2 unless:
- AFM permits operation with 1 pilot
- Comm equipment that can be operated without releasing flight controls
What are the CAT B speeds for Circling and a SID?
Circling: 135kts
SID: 165
What are the CAT B speeds for Threshold crossing and on the Missed approach?
V(at): 91-120
MAP: 150
What are the CAT B speeds for Initial and final approach? What about procedure turns?
Procedure turns: 140
Initial: 120-180
Final: 85-130