IFR Oral Flashcards
Min. aeronautical experience required for an airplane instrument rating
Including one x-country flight of:
50 hours x-country PIC time.
“ Of which, 10 hours in airplanes.
- 40 hours actual or simulated instrument time
“ Of which 15 hours with CFII
- 250 NM
-Along airways or by directed ATC routing
An inst. App. At each airport
- 3 different kinds of approaches using nav. systems With a filed IFR flight plan
“ 3 hours in last 2 cal. Months prior to the practical test
Personal documents required for flight
Pilot certificate
-Medical certificate
- Authorized photo ID (passport, driver’s license, etc)
- Restricted radiotelephone operator license (for flights outside the U.S.)
(§61.3 and FCC)
Aircraft documents required for flight:
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Radio License ( out of country flight)
-Operating handbook - Weight and Balance
- up to date for all
Aircraft maintenance inspections required for IFR:
-Annual 12 cal months
-VOR every 30 days
-100 hr inspection
- Altimeter (pito / static system) 24 cal months
-Transponder 24 cal months
- ELT 1/2 battery life / 1 hr use/ 12 months
Preflight info required for IFR: (§91.103)
N - Notams
W- Weather
K- Known ATC delays
R- Runway Lengths
A- Alternate
F- Fuel requirments
T- take off and landing performance data
Preflight self-assessment:
- Illness
M- Medication
S- Stress
A- Alcohol (“8 hours bottle to throttle”; no more than .04% of alcohol in blood)
F- Fatigue
E- Emotion
Instrument PIC experience
6 actual or simulated
“6 HITS)
-6 instrument approaches in the last 6 months
- Holding procedure
-Intercepting &
-Tracking courses through navigational systems
What counts as Instrument time
All time when the aircraft is being operated solely by ref to instruments
using an ATD (basically an approved PC-based
flight simulator + hardware) in the last 2 calendar
months prior to the flight:
3 hours instrument experience.
- Holding procedures & tasks.
- 6 instrument approaches.
- 2 unusual attitude recoveries in a descending Vne
- 2 unusual attitude recoveries in an ascending stall
speed condition.
Not current looking back 6 months?
You can still log
the requirements (6 HITS) and get current with a safety
pilot (under simulated conditions), instructor or pilot
Looking back 12 cal. months not current?
need instrument proficiency check by CFII or examiner
To carry passengers as PIC
3 take off and landings in the proceeding 90 days
-to full stop for night flight
IFR Flight Plan
- required for all controlled airspace under IFR
How to file IFR flight plan
Radio/ phone w/ ATC
File at least 30 min before departure
IFR flight plan stored length
1.5 hours from purposed time of departure
IFR flight plan cancellation
- towered airports automatically cancel upon landing
-nontowered airports pilot must cancel w/ ATC OR FSS - Pilot can cancel anytime in VFR conditions and outside of Class A airspace
Preferred IFR routes
Ex) Ont PAPA 9
-If a
preferred route is published to your
destination, you should file it in your flight
Obstacle Departure Procedures ODP
- only provides obstacle clearance
-doesn’t need ATC clearance unless other instructions are given IE radar vectors - ## must have graphic or textual ODP in plane
Standard Instrument Departures SID
- provides obstacle clearance & helps reduce radio congestion
-pilot NAV SID - pilot navigates by charted route w/ min radio instructions
-Vectored SID - Nav based on radar vectors - can file NO SID on IFR flight plan if you don’t want to use it
Standard Terminal Arrival Route
-Serves as a transition from en route to a point from which an approach can begin
- usually named after the fix at which the basic procedure begins
-can deny STAR in flight plan
When do you need an alternate
2000FT ceiling
3 miles vis
(1,2,3 rule)
Weather minimums listed at an airport to be used as an alternate
Precision approach 2 miles vis & 600 ft ceiling
Non precision approach 2 miles vis & 800 ft ceiling
no instrument approach at alternate- ceiling and vis must allow for descent from MEA in VFR conditions
IFR Min Altitudes
Minimum prescribed or if none
Mountainous areas : 200ft above highest obstacle within 4 NM course
Non Mountainous areas 1000 ft above highest obstacle within 4 NM of course
IFR Cruising Altitudes
0-179 Odd thousand
180-359 Even thousand
Based on Magnetic Course
IFR Departure Clearance Items
Clearance Limit
Transponder code
Clearance Void Time
-cannot take off your takeoff void time
-must notify ATC within 30 mins if not off by your void time
Mandatory reports under IFR
*required only in non radared environment
Missed approach
Airspeed +/- 10 kts/ 5% change from file TAS
Reaching a holding fix (report time and alt)
VFR on top
ETA change +/- 3 mins
Leaving a holding fix/ point
Outer Marker
Unforecasted Weather
Safety of flight
Vacating an Altitude / FL
Final Approach Fix
Radio/ Nav Failure
Compulsory Reporting Points
unable to descend/ climb 500/ fpm
IFR takeoff minimums
no takeoff mins for part 91 operations
Holding Pattern
- adjust outbound leg so inbound leg is 1 min
-at bewow 14,000 ft MSL - min per leg
14,001 ft and above 1.5 mins
DME / GPS holds fly specified distance
Max Holding Pattern Speeds
Up to 6000 ft MSL - 200 KT IAS
6001- 14,000 MSL 230 kt IAS
At or above 14,000 ft MSL 265 kt IAS
Decision altitude or height
- cannot descend below unless
mandatory visual ref. are in sight
- cannot cruise at alt/ decision must be made for landing or missed
Max Authorized Alt
Min Crossing Alt
Min Descent Alt
Min En Route Alt
Min Obstruction Clearance Alt
- obstacle clearance clearance &nav coverage within 22 NM of NAVAID
Min Off Route Obstacle Clearance
Min Reception Altitude
Min Vectoring Altitude
Off Route Obstacle Clearance Alt
Lost Communications Altitude Procedure
M.E.A fly highest
M- min alt prescribed for IFR
E - expected (ex expect 5000 afte r10 mins)
A- Altitude -last assigned
Lost Comm Route to Fly procedure
A- Assigned route
V- vectored (fly route/ airway last vectored to)
E - last expected route by ATC
f - Filed Route
When can you descend below MDA/ DA?
All three conditions must be met:
1 aircraft is in a continuous position from which a descent to land can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers
- flight visibility is not less than prescribed
- at least one visual ref is visible
approach light system, threshold lighting, REIL, VASI, touchdown zone markings/ lighting, runway markings, runway lights
Visual Descent Point
A defined point on the final approach course of a non-precision straightin approach procedure from
which normal descent from the MDA to the runway touchdown point may begin provided adequate
visual reference is established.
If not equipped to identify the VDP, fly the approach as if no VDP was published.
Aircraft approach Categories
1.3 VSO
Cat A -less than 90 knots
Cat B - 91-120 Kt
Cat C- 121-140 KT
Cat D 141-165 kt
When can you descend to next instrument approach
When cleared for the approach and established on a segment
of a published approach or route.
Contact approach
Must be specifically requested by the pilot.(It cannot be initiated by ATC)
- Requires at least 1SM reported ground visibility and the aircraft to remain clear of clouds.
-Available only at airports with approved instrument approach procedures
Visual approach
Initiated by either ATC or the pilot.
-Requires at least 1000’ ceiling and 3SM visibility. (IFR under VMC)
-Pilot must have either the airport or the traffic to follow in sight
Min equipment For VFR day flight
T- Tachometer for each engine.
O- Oil pressure gauge
M- Manifold pressure gauge for each altitude engine
A- Airspeed indicator
T- Temperature gauge for each liquid cooled engine
O- Oil Temp gauge for each engine
F- Fuel quantity gauge for each tank
L- Landing gear position lights (if retractable gear)
A- Anticolision lights
M- Magnetic compass
E- ELT, if required by §91.207
S- Safety belts
For VFR night flight:
F.L.A.P.SF- Fuses (spare set)
L- Landing light (if for hire)
A- Anticolision light
P- Position lights (navigation lights)
S- Source of power (such as battery)
For IFR day: all VFR day equipment + G.R.A.B C.A.R.D
For IFR night: all VFR day + VFR night equipment +
G- Generator/alternator
R- Radios (two way and navigational equipment
appropriate for the ground facilities to be used)
A- Altimeter(sensitive) adjustable for barometric pressure
B- Ball (slip-skid indicator)
C- Clock (shows hours minutes and seconds and installed
as part of aircraft equipment.)
A- Attitude indicator
R- Rate of turn indicator
D- Directional gyro (Heading indicator)
VOR Receiver checks
every 30 cal days
VOT +- 4
Airborne VOR check +- 6
Rate of Descent for 3 degree glide slope
Ground speed x 10 =VSI ft/ min
Area Nav- RNAV
Allows nav on any desired course without the use of ground facilities
- needs at least 5 satellites
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitering
- function of GPS that monitors the intergrity of satellite signals
- requires 5 satellites
What are the different methods for checking the accuracy of VOR equipment?
Ground Check
Dual VOR
What records must be kept concerning VOR checks?
Date, place, bearing error, and signature
Where can you find the location of airborne, ground and VOT testing stations?
Chart supplements
Pitot-Static Instruments
Airspeed Indicator, Vertical Speed Indicator, Altimeter