IED Flashcards
What are the PAN Pubs
-A-2-1-77 / L-1-1-4
What are the capabilities and limitations of the Talon? A-2-1-102
- Lifting Capacity: 15 lbs
Speed: 5.3 mph
Wireless LOS Radio Range: 1000m
Safe Separation of Vehicle from HERO unsafe ordnance: 4 inches from antenna
Vehicle Battery Life: 2 hours
OCS Battery Life: 4 hours
(Robot, Explosive Ordnance Disposal MK 2 MOD 0 Technical Manual)
What is a series, parallel, and series parallel circuit? A-1-1-31
- Series: Connect 1 wire of cap to 1 wire of second cap, connect free wires of caps to two leads of firing wire
- Parallel: Connect 1 wire of cap to 1 wire of 2nd cap, connect 2nd wire of cap to other wire of 2nd cap, connect combined wires to two leads of firing wire
- Series/Parallel:
What are the general wait times for ordnance? What pub? A-1-1-22
- Wait 30mins for dud-fired grenade
- Wait 3hrs for unknown armed missiles
- Wait 1hr after potential arming of unknown/unidentified ordnance
What are the different features of an IED?
Container, Switch, Power Source, Initiator, Main Charge
What are the different means of IED initiation?
Victim Operated, Time, Command Control
What is a Mk 663 and what are the specifications? A-1-1-31
-Blasting cap container, MK 663 Mod 0 Blasting Cap container - Must be kept 12 inches from ammunition/explosives.
Holds 10 caps, Can mix el and nonel
What different types of detonating cord are available? A-1-1-31-1
Primacord, Pliofilm Reinforced, Wirebound, Lightweight, Heavy Load. EOD uses Pliofilm Reinforced.
How fast does det cord detonate? A-1-1-31-1
How fast does shock tube detonate? What is the explosive filler? What different types are available? A-1-1-31-1
-90% HMX / 10% Aluminum powder
What are the different IED incident categories? A-1-1-4
- CAT A - Grave and immediate threat, high priority, no wait times.
- CAT B - Indirect threat, wait times will be observed.
- CAT C - Minor threat
- CAT D - No present threat
What are the specifications for the Mk 67 RFD? MK67 MOD 0 OPERATION MANUAL (chapter 3 / pg 23)
- 22ºF to 140ºF
- 15ºF to 140ºF (RSTI) Remote Shock Tube Initiator
REMOTE UNIT AND RSTI TRANSMIT POWER: 1 Watt (min) TRANSMISSION RANGE: 1 mi (line of sight) OPERATING POWER: 7.2 VDC BATTERY PACK: Rechargeable NiMH BATTERY LIFE > 200 Hours* (*) At the end of the standby time, the Remote Unit can detonate 5 (2-Ohm) blasting caps connected in series and attached to 100 feet (30 meters) of wire. BATTERY RECHARGE: 100 Minutes
What are the nomenclatures for the different blasting caps? Breakdown of caps. A-1-1-31-1
- No.1-15: electric
- M6: electric
- Type 2: special electric
- Mk 11 Mod 0: electric, HERO safe
- Mk 17 Mod 0, 1: electric, HERO safe
- Mk 18 Mod 0: electric HERO safe
- Type 1: nonelectric
- M7: nonelectric
- M14: nonelectric, delay
- M18: nonelectric, delay
What are the wait times for burn operations? OP5
Personnel will remain in the protective shelter until all the material spread for burning has been consumed. Personnel may leave the crew shelter after the fire has substantially subsided and a 30-minute post-ignition wait period has occurred.
A period of at least 2 hours from the wet down time is required before successive
burns are conducted on the same burning pad. If water facilities are not available or
unfavorable weather conditions; for example, subfreezing temperatures exist, a period of 4
hours shall elapse prior to consideration of the pad for a successive burn.
The powder to be burned shall be removed from the container and distributed in a
trail over the burning surface, which has been free of fire for at least 24 hours.
There shall be a 36-hour cooling down period after the previous burn before the
trench is cleaned. If water is used to cool the trench and its contents, a minimum of 18 hours
shall elapse prior to cleaning
- What happens if a burn operation extends into the night? OP 5
A watch of at least 2 responsible people will be maintained until no probability of fire exists
How do you burn black powder? A-1-1-31 / NAVSEA OP 5 VOLUME 1 SEVENTH REVISION (pg 619 13-25) / A-1-1-31
- Distance between trains shall be minimum of 10ft
- Not exceed 25lbs
- Initiation downwind
a. Contents of only one container, not exceeding 25 pounds, shall be burned at one pad. Containers of black powder shall be opened one at a time.
b. The powder to be burned shall be removed from the container and distributed in a trail over the burning surface, which has been free of fire for at least 24 hours. The powder trail shall not exceed 2 inches in width. No part of the trail shall parallel any other part at a distance of less than 10 feet and no part of the trail shall cross any other part.
c. The black powder shall be ignited by an electric squib firing system or safety time fuse and igniter, or non-explosive electric ignition device. Ignite from downwind.
d. Emptied containers shall be flashed or thoroughly flushed with water. If flushed, the water must be handled as hazardous waste until tested by the activities environmental office.
How do you burn smokeless powder? NAVSEA OP 5 VOLUME 1 SEVENTH REVISION (pg 622 13-28)
- If explosives are delivered for burning in a not readily combustible condition, such as
water wet, provisions shall be made to ensure complete burning. One method of ensuring
complete combustion is to spread the explosives on a pad of combustible material soaked with
fuel oil meeting environmental regulations. The combustible material used shall be scrap
lumber, wood or other material such as excelsior. Where such materials are used, they shall be
spread a minimum of 2 inches deep on the pad prior to spreading explosives.
c. Containers of smokeless powder and casting powder shall not be exposed to direct
sunlight long enough to raise the temperature of the powder above 100 degrees
Fahrenheit (°F). Containers that require protection from the sun shall be covered with a fire resistant
tarpaulin placed so that air can circulate through the stack. The rate of decomposition
becomes relatively high at 100 °F, and is dangerously accelerated at temperatures above
110 °F, when spontaneous combustion of the powder can result.
d. The container and lid shall be electrically bonded. The container shall be grounded
before the lid is removed, and the powder is dumped. Equipment used to ground containers
during lid removal, dumping of powder, and lid replacement shall be tested for conductivity prior
to each day’s operation. The maximum acceptable value for electrical resistance to ground
shall be 100,000 ohms. Bonding of the container to the lid is not necessary if the powder inside
the container is sealed inside a conductive bag. In this case, the powder and bag shall be
removed as a unit from the container, and the bag shall remain sealed until it is placed in the
burn pan.
e. Each operator or pair of operators, if two are required to handle containers due to
size, shall open only one container at a time, empty its contents, and replace the lid before
another container is opened.
f. The grounding shall not be removed until the lid is replaced on the container.
g. Not more than 4,000 pounds of large web smokeless powder and casting powder
shall be burned at one time. However, the burn amount will not exceed the quantities specified
in the RCRA permit. If the powder is small web, the maximum amount burned at one time shall
be limited to 2,000 pounds. The size of powder grains in 3-inch cartridges and smaller is
considered small web.
h. The smokeless powder and casting powder to be burned shall be spread in straight
rows approximately 4 feet wide and not more than 6 inches deep for large web smokeless
powder or not more than 3 inches deep for small web smokeless powder.
i. Care shall be taken to avoid walking on the dumped powder.
j. Operations shall be arranged to minimize exposure of personnel should a fire be
initiated at any point along the burning pad.
k. The ignition train shall be laid and ignited.
What is HFD and MFD and what do they mean? A-1-1-4
HFD - Hazardous Frag Distance - Calculated such that there is no more than one hazardous fragment per 600 square foot area, resulting in a 1% probability of a person being struck by a hazardous fragment.
-MFD- Maximum Fragment Distance - Calculated such that fragments from the primary case are not expected to travel beyond a given distance and pose a threat to personnel exposed in the open.
How can you quickly figure out blast overpressure distances based on NEW? A-1-1-4
-cubed root of NEW x K-factor
What is IBD? A-1-1-4
-Inhabited Building Distances
What are the different mitigation techniques in A-1-1-4? A-1-1-4
- Fragment Mitigation: Sandbag, Water
- Ground Shock Control: Barricading, Trenching, Venting, Buttressing
What is fly rock and CCT? What are the K-factors associated with each? A-1-1-4
- Flyrock - Occurs when debris, primarily rocks and large chunks of soil are propelled from a
cave demolition site by the force of an explosion.
-CCT - Critical Cover Thickness K3.5
What is METT-TC?
- Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops Available, Time and Civilian considerations
What is DODIC and NALC? Where are they found?
- DODIC: DOD Identification Code
- NALC: Navy Ammuntion Logistics Code
Describe the Mk 23 and Mk 24 EXROD. A-2-1-50
-Mk 23: Mod 0 has 113g 70/30 Octol
Mod 1 has 67g PBXN-9
-Mk 24: Mod 0 has 510g 70/30 Octol
Mod 1 has 510g PBXN-9
In regard to thunderstorms, when must demolition operations be secured? NAVSEA OP 5 VOLUME 1 SEVENTH REVISION (pg 242 6-18)
A storm shall not approach closer than ten miles before an ordnance operation is terminated.
According to EODMU1 instruction, how many personnel are required to conduct demo ops? name of instruction??? EODGRU ONE DEMO SOP (pg74)
- A minimum of two personnel are required to handle ammunition.
- A minimum of two personnel are required to access magazines.