IE, Rheumatic fever, myocardial/pericardial disease, dissection Flashcards
IE risk factors
Prosthetic valves
Valve disease (VSD, PDA, CoA)
Rheumatic fever
Dental caries, IVDU
Causative agents of IE
Strep. viridans, S. bovi
Staph aureus, epidermis
Main clinical features in IE
Fever, rigors, splenomegaly, clubbing
New/changing murmur
Haematuria, roth spots
Hand features of IE
Janeway lesions, Osler’s node, splinter haemorrhages
Duke major
\+ve blood culture Endocardium involved (echo/valve regurg)
Duke minor - 5
Predisposition Fever>38 Emboli (septic infarcts) Immune phenomenon - GN, oslers node, roth spots \+ve blood culture
Diagnose IE if
2 major or
1 major + 3 minor or
5 minor
ECG change in IE
AV block
Treat empiric IE acute and subacute
Acute - fluclox + gent
Subacute - benpen + gen
IE due to strep and enterococci treat
Strep - Benpen + gent
Enterococci - Amox + gent
IE due to staph treat
Fluclo + rifampicin
Cause of rheumatic fever
Group A beta-haemolytic strep
Diagnose rheumatic fever
Evidence of GAS infection (scarlet fever, +ve throat culture, ASOT +ve, rapid strep antigen)
2 major or
1 major + 2 minor
Major Jones criteria
STREP S - Sydenham's chorea T - Transient arthritis R - Subcutaneous nodules E - Erythema marginatum P - Pancarditis (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis)
Minor Jones criteria
Prolonged PR Raised ESR/CRP Temp rise Previous rheumatic fever Arthralgia
Patient with pancarditis (AV block/chest pain) + joint pain cause
Rheumatic fever
Treat rheumatic fever
IM benpen
Chorea - Haloperidol