Idoms DVD 2 Flashcards
Actions speak louder than words
Open mind
“B” hand shape from forehead
Back out
“C” hand shape with two fingers around thumb and then take out of hand shape
Beat around the bush
Pointer finger with bent “V” hand shape moving up and down next to it
Blow a fuse/ blow up/ angry
One hand in a fist other hand flat up and down from fist
Absorb into the system/ taking on another’s culture
Thumbs to shoulders pinch middle finger to thumb
Bring something up
Blow a fuse
One hand fist other flat up and down on top it
Broke a record
One hand flat other elbow resting on top of it
Burning up
Catch up on
Both hands thumbs up one moves from behind to on the side
Both hands up side down fists pull to waist
Vanish in to thin air
One hand pull in to a pinch
Do one self a favor
Don’t be to sure
Head shake with ?