idk Flashcards
What prefix indicates negation or lack?
A, An
Examples include anorexia and anemia.
What does the prefix ‘Alos’ signify?
Examples include alergia and alergeno.
What prefix means ‘against’ or ‘in place of’?
Examples include antídoto and antibiograma.
What does the prefix ‘Autos’ refer to?
By oneself
Examples include autopsia and autoexploración.
What does the prefix ‘Dia’ mean?
Separation, through, between
Examples include diafragma and diaforesis.
What is indicated by the prefix ‘Dis’?
Difficulty, disorder
Examples include disfagia and disnea.
What does ‘Endo’ refer to?
Examples include endoscopio and endocarditis.
What does the prefix ‘Eu’ signify?
Good, normality
Examples include eutanasia and eutócico.
What do the prefixes ‘Exo’ and ‘ecto’ mean?
Outside of
Examples include exoftalmos and ectópico.
What does the prefix ‘Hemi’ indicate?
Examples include hemiplejía and hemisferio cerebral.
What does ‘Heteros’ mean?
Unequal, different
Examples include heterosexual and heterocromía.
What does the prefix ‘Homo’ signify?
Equal, same
Examples include homogéneo and homofobia.
What does ‘Hiper’ indicate?
Examples include hiperactivo and hiperfagia.
What does the prefix ‘Hipo’ mean?
Below, decrease
Examples include hipogloso and hipocalcemia.
What does ‘Meta’ signify?
Beyond, after, change
Examples include metabolismo and metástasis.
What do ‘Pan’ and ‘pantos’ mean?
Examples include pancitopenia and panacea.
What does the prefix ‘Para’ signify?
Next to, similar to
Examples include paratiroides and paramédico.
What does ‘Peri’ indicate?
Examples include pericardio and peritoneo.
What does the prefix ‘Seudos’ mean?
Examples include seudoartrosis and seudohermafroditismo.
What does ‘Sin’ signify?
Union, with, together
Examples include síndrome and sindactilia.
What does the prefix ‘Tele’ indicate?
Examples include telediástole and telemedicina.
What does the prefix ‘Ana’ mean?
Upward, over, against
Examples include anabolismo and anafilaxis.
What does ‘Cata’ signify?
Examples include catabolismo and catástrofe.
What does the suffix ‘Algia’ refer to?
Examples include gastralgia and pancrealgia.
What does the suffix ‘Arquia’ mean?
Principle, beginning
Examples include menarca and telarca.
What does ‘Fobia’ indicate?
Examples include hidrofobia and lipofóbico.
What does the suffix ‘Geno’ signify?
To generate
Examples include teratógeno and hematógeno.