Idiomss Flashcards
A bird in hand is worth two in a bush
one certain gain is worth more than two prospective advantages because chances are that yoy might loose everything
A bird’s eye view
overall view , general view
A drop in the bucket
A very small part of something big or whole
A feather in one’s cap
An achievement to be proud of
A penny saved is a penny earned
by not spending money you are actually gaining money
A snake in the grass
unrecoganized danger
After my own heart
According to my views and tastes
All is grist that comes in his mill
he turns everything to his profit
allow the dust to settle
wait until the disturbance is well and truly over
Another pair of shoes
different matter
Apple of Discord
Cause of dispute, root of a dispute
At sixes and sevens
A state of confusion, disorder or disgreement between parties
At the eleventh hour
almost too late
All greek to me
Meaningless and And incompresible , like someone who cannot read , speak or understand
At the drop of a hat
Willing to do something immidiately
Bag and baggage
Completely, all all of one’s possesion
Bear thr brunt
Beat about about the bush
Evade the issue
Bell the cat
Do the most dangerous job
Between the devil and the deep sea
Faced with two dangerous alternatives
Bithday suit
Blessing in disguise
something good that is not recoganised at first
Blood is thicker than water
kinship is stronger than friendship
Blow ones own trumpet
Sing ones own praise
Bolt from the blue
complete surprise , unexpected calamity
Bone of contention
Reason of Dispute, disagreement
Born in purple
Child of royal parents
Born in purple
Child of royal parents