Idioms - special topics 2 Flashcards
blew (his) top
to become extremelly angry
get sbd’s goat
criticize constantly
lead sbd up the garden path
to deceive somebody
go like a bomb
go quickly
miss the boat
to lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act
take for a ride
deceive sbd
pip at the post
just beaten in a competition or a race
drop a clanger
to do or say something that makes you feel embarrased
put your foot in it
to do or say something that makes you feel embarrased
like two peas in a pod
the same
have to pay through the nose
pay too much
cost the earth
very expensive
turn in
go to sleep
hit the sack
go to sleep
flash in a pan
something that happened only once or for a short time and was not repeated
give the game away
to reveal one’s intentions or a secret
often in the doghouse
people are often annoyed with you
drive up the wall
to cause to become crazy or furious