Idioms H-O Flashcards
haberse de sentar
hit the spot; agree with (someone)
hablar de
talk about
hablar de bueyes perdidos
waste one’s breath; chat about little things (n.b.: used in Cono del Sur)
hacer alharacas
make a fuss; make a big deal about (lit.: to make a fuss)
hacer caso
pay attention to (lit.: to make a case)
hacer chapuzas
do odd jobs; do occasional work
hacer compras
shop; do (the) shopping (lit.: to make/do purchases)
hacer coro a algn
back someone up
hacer del cuerpo
defecate; move one’s bowels (n.b.: euphemism)
hacer el amor con
make love with someone
hacer el favor
do a favor (lit.: to do the favor. Note that this can, as in English, be used to give someone a command or order)
hacer el sol
the sun rises (lit.: to make the sun)
hacer falta
be necessary; must (lit.: to do the lack)
hacer fiaca
sleep in; stay home for the peace and quiet (used in Argentina)
hacer frente
confront (lit.: to do the front)
hacer la barba a alg
suck up to someone; butter someone up (lit.: to do the beard to someone)
hacer la compra
do the shopping; buy groceries
hacer la cusqui
bug; annoy; irritate
hacer la vista gorda
ignore; overlook (lit.: to do the fat look. The idea here being of indulgence, the way a parent or grandparent might look at a misbehaving child)
hacer las compras
do the shopping
hacer las maletas
pack; pack a suitcase (lit.: to do the suitcases)
hacer las paces
make up; make peace (lit.: to make the peace(s))
hacer pucheros
pout; screw up one’s face
hacer su agosto
make a killing; make serious coin; hit the jackpot (lit.: to make/do one’s August)
hacer toros
cut class; skip class (lit.: to the bulls)
hacer trampa(s)
cheat (lit.: to do traps)
hacer un papel
play a role; play a part
hacer un papelón
make a fool of oneself; embarras oneself (lit.: to make a large role)
hacer un simpa
leave a restaurant without paying
hacer un toro
stand in for somebody (in a theatrical production) (lit.: to do the bull)
hacerle frente a alguien
face someone (lit.: to make facing to someone)
hacer a pelo y pluma
be AC/DC
hacerse cargo de
take charge of; pay for; realize
hacerse ilusiones
get one’s hopes up
hasta donde
as far as (lit.: up to when)
hecho una hiena
furious; enraged
hija de papá
rich kid; rich girl
hijo de papá
rich kid; rich boy
hoy mismo
today. 1. Hazlo hoy mismo.
ir a golpe de alpargata
walk; hoof it; go on foot (lit.: go by slapping sandals)
ir a medias
go Dutch; go fifty-fifty (used in Spain)
ir a pelo
be naked
ir de compras
go shopping
ir de juerga
go out on the town; party; go clubbing
ir de marcha
go out partying
ir de tiendas
go shopping (used in Spain)
irse a la cabeza del toro
grab the bull by the horns