Idioms For Norskprøve Flashcards
Katta i sekken
“Cat in the bag”:
did not get what you paid for
Håper det smaker
“Hope it tastes”:
Hope you like the food
Du har fått en telefon
“You got a phone”:
Someone has called you
Å være midt i smørøyet
“To be in the middle of the butter eye”:
center of the action
Hva er i veien?
“What is the way?”:
Is there something wrong?
Ta det helt piano
“Take it all piano”:
Take it easy
(I wonder if this is a musical dynamics reference)
Når du har hendene fulle
“When you have your hands full”:
Lots to do
Koste skjorta
“Cost of the shirt”:
Something is very expensive
Å få jernteppe
“Getting an iron blanket”:
You have forgotten something you know or intended to say
Å bli ført bak lyset
“To be led behind the light”:
To be cheated
Å møte veggen
“Meeting the wall”:
Burnt out from negative stress. Hitting the wall.
Å være på nett
“Being online”:
Staying up to date
Å snakke rett fra leveren
“To speak straight from the liver”:
To say exactly what you think
Å ta det med en klyoe salt
“Take with grain of salt”:
A little skeptical
Å stå på egne bein
“To stand on one’s own two feet”:
Fend for oneself
Å ta seg vann over hodet
“Taking on water over your head”:
Taking on more tasks than you have capacity for
Å henge med hodet
“To hang with the head”:
You are sorry/sad
Det gikk et lys opp for meg
“A light came on for me”:
An idea!
Ugler i mosen
“Owls in the bog”:
Something is suspicious
Som slid i tønne
“Like herring in a barrel”:
When people are gathered in a small limited area
Å ha sommerfugler i magen
“To have butterflies in the stomach”: