Idioms/collocation Flashcards
Estar alerta
To keep your wits about sth
2o año consecutivo
2nd year running
Not to panic
To keep your head
Casi nada
I’ve precious little to do
Dejarse la piel
To play your hearts out
Hacer todo lo necesario para conseguir un objetivo-jugar bien tus cartas
To play your cards right
To propose
to present the argument for it
To put the case for something
Run out of energy
To run out of steam
Las emociones son muy intensas
Feelings are running high
Totally believe in something or someone
Tener fe en algo
To put on one’s faith in something
Sudden, Short pain
I’ve got a slight twinge
Flexible, in good condition
You’re not allowed to do something
Little fights
Fangoso, turbio
Persistently (incesantemente)
Self regarding
Argue about something trivial
Levantar la prohibición
To relax the ban on something
Tittle holder
Dejarse la piel-pelear con uñas y dientes
To fight to the nail
Runner up
Formacion, alineacion
Line up
To play ball
Tener un buen perder
To be a good sport
La pelota está en tu tejado
The ball is in your court
Ganarle en su propio terreno
To beat him at his own game
Igualdad de oportunidades
To be a level playing field
To lead the field
Very well developed
Finely honed
To attack
In a precarious or risky situation
Skate on thin ice
To be ready and able
To be on the ball
Game plan
About to be reprimanded or punished
Be for the high jump
Coger el toro por los cuernos
Take the bull by the horns
To follow and respect rules and regulations
To toe the line
Donde las dan Las toman
Two can play at that game
Es lo normal
That’s par for the course
Off his own bat
To attract
To entice somebody
Tirar la toalla
Throw in the towel
Respaldar, dar la cara por alguien
Go to bat for someone
Empezar antes de tiempo
To jump the gun
Prosperar, medrar
To thrive
she seems to thrive on adversity parece que se crece en la adversidad
Reprimand~scold~tell off
Reprimand you can use it in any context
Scold its for children and family
Tell somebody off: in any situation
Como estaba previsto
The visitors were duly impressed
the point was duly noted in the minutes
Can’t be defeated
To support
He presented the figures to underpin his argument
To be elated
Fly high
They were flying high after their first child was born.
Que te engancha (película, libro)
A gripping film
Demostrar que es capaz de lidiar con un problema inesperado
To rise up to the challenge
En retrospectiva
In hindsight
In retrospect
he was very contrite~very apologetic
To accept
Come to terms with something/somebody
To delay, ir con pies de plomo
Drag somebody’s feet
It’s past the time when something should have happened
It’s high time
Una gota en el océano
A drop in the ocean
Dominio público
Common knowledge
Seguir sus propias leyes, propias normas. Ser un caso aparte
To be a law unto herself
Hacer una montaña de un grano de arena
To make a mountain out of a molehill
Quedarse como visitante más de lo debido
Outstay his welcome
Abrir una brecha
To drive a wedge between
Hacerse el tonto
Turn a blind eye
Appeared to be valid sound and reasonable (A statement, line of reasoning)
Hold water
Esconder la cabeza
Bury one’s head in the sand
to cause trouble
Put the cat among the pigeons
Uncertain, not decided
Open to debate
To damage ones hopes
Deal a blow to
In the balance
In earnest
To be intolerant with someone something
To be bigoted against
Desorden, confusión
Las bases de algo
The footing
Repartido, distribuido
Falso, fraudulento
Instilling: poner una idea en la mente de alguien
Evitar decir directamente lo que uno quiere decir
To beat about the bush
En cierta época
At one time
En el momento cumbre
At their peak
Abundar, estar lleno de algo
To abound in
Have contempt for a person
Ausencia sin permiso
There is no law, no regulation
Lawless person Rebelde, que rechaza la ley
Lawless country ingobernable, anárquico
Against the law, law forbids it
Lawful: legitimated, valid
To put something (a law) into effect
Enactment-to enact
El alcance y la profundidad de algo
The breadth and depth of something
Extenderse, impregnar, estar generalizado
This must pervade our entire society
In recent times doping has become increasingly pervasive and insidious
To complain
To bemoan
People bemoan a situation
People moan about a situation
The system is widely outdated and needs strong overhauling
To put a limit to something
To curb
It is generally recognized that the long-term measures to curb the demand for illegal trade will have to be a concert of economic, political, security sector reform and rule of law programs.
Es de la máxima importancia
Its of the upmost importance
(=follow) seguir(se);
=result) resultar (from de
In the discussion that ensued the following issues were raised
Insensible, cruel
Callous and cowardly
Callous disregard
Prevent sth to happen
To check
To check scarcity
Encourage relationships
Foster relationships
To humiliate
To pour scorn on sth
To be dismissive and cruel
To have a scornful attitude
Evitar la responsabilidad echando la culpa a otros
Pass the buck
Tener por delante una tarea complicada
To have your work cut out for
You’ll have your work cut out for you getting this presentation ready for Friday
Give up/stop
Call it quits
After 35 years he decided to call it quits
Very good job
Whale of a job
You’ve done a whale of a job with this
In Conclusion
Bottom line
The bottom line is that we needed
Boring, monotonous work
Donkey work
My boss is giving me all the donkey work
Ruthless competition
Dog eat dog
It’s a dog eat dog business
Puede hacer de todo
Jack of all trades
He’s a handyman he is a jack of all trades
Find something difficult to do
Have a job
I had a job finding this place
Assess a situation
Take stock
We need to take stock of the situation after his latest report
Compensación económica la jubilación
Golden handshake
Menos mal que
It’s a good job
It’s a good job you came
It’s a good job I had my umbrella with me
Es perfecto para algo
Just the job for something
These gadget is just the job for chopping carrots
To resign
Hand in a notice
Get fired
To be given the sack
Cero profit/cero balance
To break even
Trabajo en turnos
Shift work
The workforce
To avoid something
Shy away from something
Viajar cada día el trabajo
To commute
Tener mucha experiencia
have a wealth of experience
Benefit officially included in the contract like a company car
Fringe benefit
A not official benefit
For a baker a perk of the job is to take bread home
Cadena de montaje
Assembly line
Relaciones laborales
Industrial relations
Comercio minorista
Retail trade
Mano de obra barata
Cheap labour
Salario mínimo
Minimum wage
Unemployment benefit
Pensión estatal
State pension
An offshore service centre
La cola del paro
The dole queue
You’ve heard a rumour
To have got wind of
- Soborno
- pagar a plazos
- despedir
Pay off
Estar en número rojos
to have an overdraft: tener la cuenta en descubierto
-To be overdrawn
your account is overdrawn (by £50)
Proof of purchase is necessary to obtain a rebate
Anacronismo pintoresco
Quaint anachronism
Ser ganador/triunfar
Come out on top
Argentina could come out on top
Estruendo, estrépito
Alejarse, retroceder, disminuir
Sonreír radiantemente
Mirada feroz
Sonrisa de satisfacción
Mueca de dolor