Idioms C1-C2 Flashcards
To turn a blind eye to something
Hacer la vista gorda
Formal: overlook something
To drag their feet on something
Ser reticente, retrasar, tener pachorra, dormirse en los laureles
Formal: procrastinate
Facts speak for themselves
Los hechos hablan por si mismos/solos
Formal: statistics show that it is quite the opposite
The tip of the iceberg
La punta del iceberg
Formal: a small part of the matter
There is a fine line
Hay una fina línea
Formal: it is one thing to… but quite another…
Draw the line
Marcar/poner el límite
Formal: set the limit
Off the scale / off the chart
Algo que excede los estándares normales, para bien o para mal
Formal: =
Hit rock bottom
Tocar fondo
Formal: hit a new low
Not all that glitters is gold
No es oro todo lo que reluce
Formal: not all is as it seems
To be in someone’s shoes
Ponerse en el lugar de alguien
Formal: Were I you/ Had I been you
Take it up a notch / take it down a notch
Llevar las cosas a un nivel superior
Formal: Take it a step further
It is getting out of hand
Se está yendo de las manos
Formal: it is becoming unmanageable
To go hand in hand together
Ir de la mano
Formal: be closely related
A win-win situation
Situación en la que todos salen ganando
Formal: mutually profitable
To grab the bull by the horns
Coger el toro por los cuernos
Formal: Face/address/endure the matter
Speak volumes
Algo habla por si mismo
Formal: self-evident facts
It is not rocket science
Algo que no es difícil
Formal: it is not hard to apprehend
It is on the tip of my tongue
En la punta de la lengua
Formal: no tiene. Expresión oral.
Take something with a pinch of salt
No creer algo del todo
Formal: be suspicious of
Not everything is black and white
No todo es blanco o negro
Formal: =
To give the green light
Dar luz verde a algo
Formal: =
Brush things off
Minimizar las cosas
Formal: downplay things