Idioms And Slangs Flashcards
That’s such a bummer
오늘 밤에 나갈까요?
Should we go out tonight?
편히 쉬어요 릴렉스 해요
Keep it chill tonight
그 시리즈 정말 괜찮아
That show is the bomb
오늘밤 공부 열심히 해야돼
I have to hit the books tonight
기말 전에벼락치기 하고 있어요
I’m cramming it in before the finals
오늘 좀 피곤해보이네
You look a little rough
좋은 시간 보냈어
We had a blast!
We went to get some grub first
뭐 좀 먹으러 갔어
돼지처럼 피자 겁나 먹었지
We pigged out on some amazing pizza
완전 취했어
I was totally wasted
친구 집에서 잤어
I crashed at my friend’s place
모두에게 힘든 시기잖아요
Tough time for everybody, isn’t it?
I don’t like cutting corners
I prefer to do things properly and not take shortcuts
Since it was Friday,we decided to call it a day
금욜이라 그만 일하기로 했어
작은 실수 사소한데서 나와
The devil’s in the details
애기가 밤새 잘 자는건 듣도 보도 못한 일이지
Sleeping through the night is unheard of for a baby
남편이 어머니를 돌보고 있어
My husband tends to his mom because he is the only son
난 집순이구 그 친구는 엄청 아웃고잉해
My friend is a social butterfly and I’m more of a homebody
이번 주 비온대서 집에서 책이나 보려구
It’s supposed to be rainy this weekend , so I’m just going to stay in and read a book
지난 주 유툽만 엄청 봤어
Last weekend I binge-watched a lot of YouTube videos
너무 바빠서 오늘은 집안일 밀린 거 해야지
I was so busy all week, and finally I’m going to catch up on some chores today
이번주 뭐해?
What’re you up to this weekend?
이번주 뭐 잼나는거 있어?
You doing anything fun this weekend?
유제품 소화안되는건 아닌데
I’m not lactose intolerant
하루 마무리하면서 소파에서 쉬다
I chill on the couch at the end of the day.
리모컨 찾아
I look for the remote
책 읽으면서 졸아
I doze while I read
소파에 머리 부딪혀
I bonk my head on the couch
남편한테 등 좀 주물러 달라구 해
I convince my husband to rub my back
잼 병에서 박박 긁어
I scrape the jam from the jar
달걀 껍질 건져
I fish out the piece of the shell
잠안오면 뒤척여
I toss and turn if I can’t sleep well
주말이라 늦잠 자
I sleep in on the weekends
베게에 기대서 책 읽어
I lean against the pillows to read
늦어서 이불 박치고 일어났어
I fling off the covers because I’m late for work
안전벨트 매라
I buckle my seatbelt
백미러 조정하구
I adjust the mirrors
후진해서 대로로 나가
I back out of the driveway
I brake to stop
회전할때 깜빡이키고
I signal with my turn signal when I want to turn
I roll down the window
끼어들어서 사고날뻔했네
I can’t believe that car just cut me off. We could have had an accident
경찰이 차 세우라했어
I got pulled over by a cop
가벼운 접촉 사고였어
It was a fender bender
인터넷 삼십분 동안 나갔어
Internet‘a been down for half an hour