Idioms and Phrases Flashcards
Rank and File
Ordinary People
By fits and starts
In short periods, not regularly
A wee bit
A little
Out of the wood
Free from all difficulties and dangers
Under his thumb
Under his control
At one’s wits end
In a state where one does not know what to do
In the nick of time
Just at the last moment
Between the devil and the deep sea
Between two dangers
Burn the midnight oil
Work or study hard
Call a spade a spade
Speak frankly and directly
Come off with flying colours
Be highly successful
Hoping against hope
Without hope
Hit the nail on the head
Do or say the exact thing
An axe to grind
A personal interest in the matter
To get rid of
Dispose of
At daggars drawn
Bitterly hostile
To play ducks and drakes
To act foolishly or inconsistently
To take the bull by the horns
To tackle a problem in a bold and direct fashion
Rain cats and dogs
Rain heavily
To move heaven and earth
To make a supreme effort
No avail
Without any result
Bark up the wrong tree
Acccuse or denounce the wrong person