Idioms A Flashcards
Above and beyond
Greater than
Above all
Most important of all
The acid test
A test that gives proof that cannot be doubted
An acquired taste
Something especially food or drink liked only after it has been tried several times
Across the board
From or to everyone or everywhere equally
Actions speak louder than words
A person is judged more by what he does than by what he says he will do
Add insult to injury
To cause offence to someone after one has already caused harm to him in some other way
After all
When all things are considered
Against all the odds
In spite of the difficulties which would usually make something impossible
Airs and graces
Proud behaviour, especially in order to impress other people
Alive and kicking
Still living and active
All along
From the beginning
All and sundry
Eery person without exception
All ears
Keen to listen to what is about to be said
All fingers and thumbs
To lack the ability, especially for a short time, to use your fingers to do something practical