idioms Flashcards
å stå ed skjegget i postkassen
to stand with the beard in the mailbox
stuck in an uncomfortable situation
man skal ikke skue hunden på hårene
you shouldn’t judge a dog by its hairs (don’t judge a book by its covers)
å være midt i smørøyet
to be in the middle of the butter eye
to be in a good place
gammel vane er vond å vende
old habbits is difficult to turn
ugler i mosen
something suspicious is happening
morgenstund har gull i munn
morning time is gold in the mouth
if you get up early enough you can achieve more
eplet faller ikke langt fra stammen
the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
like barn leker best
birds of a feather flock together
førstemann til mølla
first to the mill
first come first serve
smi mens jernet er varmt
to do something quickly at an ideal moment
storm i et vannglass
exaggeration of a trivial matter.
ta med en klype salt
take with a pinch of salt
ta for god fisk
i will take your word for it