Idioms Flashcards
A chorros
In great amounts
A como de lugar
At all costs
A contramano
In the wrong direction
A destiempo
A dos pasos
Very close
A duras penas
A fin de cuentas
When all is said and done
A gatas
On all fours
A granel
In bulk
A la carrera
Hurried way of doing something
A la larga
In the long run
A la vez
At the same time
A las espaldas de alguien
Behind someone back
A mano
By hand, even
A mas tardar
At the latest
A menudo
Often, many at a time
A ojo de buen cubero
By rule of thumb
A palo seco
Without drinking anything
A proposito
By the way
A que
I bet…
A reganadientes
A rey muerto, a rey puesto
Out with the old, in with the new
A solas
A tientas
By instinct
A toda costa
At all costs
A toda maquina
Very fast
A todas luces
A todo trapo
With luxury
A todo vapor
Very fast
A troche y moche
A tumba abierta
At breakneck speed, exposing oneself to danger
A tutiplien
A ultima hora
At the last moment
A voz en grito
Abrirse paso a codazo
To elbow your way in
Acoger en su regazo
To take under one’s wing
Acostarse con las gallinas
To retire to bed early
Aguzar el oido
To be alerted
Ahuecar el ala
To hit the road
Al ahi se va
Not thoroughly
Al fin y al cabo
When all is said and done
Al hambre no hay pan duro
Beggars cant be choosers
Al pie de letra
To the letter
Al por mayor
Al reves
Upside down
Alzarle la mano a alguien
To threaten or hit someone
To get angry
Andar a paso de tortuga
At snail’s pace
Andar como burro sin mecate
To be out of control
Andar de cabeza
To run around like a headless chicken
Andar de capa caída
To be in low spirits
Andarse por las ramas
To beat around the bush
Apretar las clavijas a alguien
To pressure somebody
Apretarse el centurion
To cut expenses, to tighten the belt
Aqui hay gato encerrado
There’s something fishy going on here
Armado hasta los dientes
Armed to the teeth
Armar un jaleo
To make a fuss
Armarse la gorda
To make a big fat fuss
Arriesgarse el pellejo
To risk one’s neck
Arrimar el ascua a su sardine
To put one’s benefit first
Arrimarse el sol que mas calienta
To seek out those from whom one can profit
Arrojar a alguien a los lobos
To throw someone to the wolves
Astuto como un zorro
Sly as a fox
Ave nocturna
Night owl
Bailar al son que tocan
To dance to whatever music happens to be playing, go with the flow
Bajársele los humos a alguien
To be taken down a peg (one’s excessively high opinion of themselves is burst)
Barrer para adentro
To act advantageously, to take credit
Bicho raro
Rare specimen
Blasfemar, hablar como un carretero, renegar, jurar
Swear like a trooper
Borracho como una cuba
Drunk as a skunk
Borron y cuenta nueva
Let bygones be bygones
Bueno como un angel
Buscar una aguja en un pajar
Needle in the haystack
Buscarle a alguien los cosquillas
To provoke somebody
Buscarle tres pies al gato
To complicate things
Cabeza de chorlito
Cade hijo de vecino
All and sundry
Cada muerte de obispo
Once in a blue moon
Caer bien/mal
To be likeable or not
Caer como moscas
To drop like flies
Calado hasta los huesos
Soaked through
Calarse las gafas
To put on one’s glasses