Idioms Flashcards
Call the shots
In driver’s seat
In charge
Chew the fat
Shoot the breeze
Dont put the cart before the horse
Dont count your chickens before they’ve hatched
Dont count on smth you havent got yet
Go jump in a lake
Go fly a kite
Get lost
Make waves
Rock the boat
Cause the trouble
Off the rocker
Bats in your belfry
Pay through the nose
Cost an arm and a leg
To pay too much
Play second fiddle
Take a backseat
To do less important job
Rub the wrong way
Go against the grain
Do opposite of what someone wants you to do
Blow your stack
Hit your roof
Lose your temper
That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
That’s the way the balk bounces.
That’s just the way it is
Bolt from the blue
Out of the clear blue sky
Suddenly, unexpectedly
Face the music
Bite the bullet
Be brave/ face prob.
Needle in a haystack
Wild goose chase
Doing smth impossible
From soups to nuts
Everything but the kitchen sink
Everything/ thorough
In the doghouse
Up a creek without a paddle
In a bad situation
Leave no stone unturned
Go over with a fine-tooth comb
Do everything you can
Let sleeping dogs lie
Dont open a can of worms
Dont cause trouble
On pins and needles
Butterflies in the stomach
Nervous, anxious
Rome was not built in a day
Takes time to do smth difficult
Spill the beans
Let the cat out of the bag
Tell a secret
Spitting image
Chip off the old block
Exactly the same
Strike while the iron is hot
Make hay while the sun shines
Do smth while you have the opportunity
In top of the world
In cloud nine
Having fun