Idioms Flashcards
It’s like giving jam to pigs (giving something valuable to those who don’t deserve it?)
C’est donner de la confiture aux cochons.
eating like a pig (eating with poor manners)
manger comme un cochon
A pig couldn’t find its piglets (when referring to a dirty room)
un cochon n’y retrouverait pas ses petits
Don’t wake that sleeping cat (don’t stir up something)
Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort
A cat in your throat (used when one’s voice is hoarse)
un chat dans la gorge
Call a cat a cat (call it like it is)
appelez un chat un chat
When the cat’s away, the mice start to play dance (when no one’s watching, people will do whatever they want)
Quand le chat est parti, les souris dansent.
To give your tongue to the cat (to give up)
donner sa langue au chat
Sleep like marmots (sleep heavy)
dormir comme une marmotte
when chickens have teeth (referring to something that is very unlikely to ever happen)
quand les poules auront des dents
like a chicken with a knife (confused)
t’es comme une poule qui a trouvé un couteau
Sell the bear’s skin before it’s been killed. (celebrating a success before it’s final/certain)
Vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué.
a badly licked bear (referring to an uncouth or unsociable person)
un ours mal léché
To take the bull by the horns (to proactively take an opportunity)
Prendre le taureau par les cornes
sly as a fox (very sneaky)
rusé comme un renard