Idioms Flashcards
cas od casu
from time to time
rozhrabnout neco
to put my foot in st.
Tom si okamzite oblibil svou ucitelku
Tom took a shine to his teacher
Jejich hit byl jen ojedinely
Theirs hit was just a flash in the pan
Byl cely den tichy jako mys
He has been as quiet as a mouse all day
Dorazili jsme bezpecne
We arrived safe and sound
Tom a Jiri spolu nesouhlasi
Tom and George don’t see eye to eye
Vyrazil jsem na dlouhou cestu
I set off on a long journey
Pristali jsme v Malajsii
We touched down in Malaysia
Prespal jsem v hotelu
I spent the night at a hotel
Navrhnul mi abychom se spojili
He suggested that we join forces
V poctu je sila
There’s safety in numbers
Vyrazme na cestu spolu
Let’s hit the road together
Nebyl jsem si jisty zda jit
I was in two minds whether to go
Utraceli jsme jak o zivot
We spent money like there was no tomorrow
Tlacit na nekoho aby neco udelal
to twist sb’s arm to do st.
jit zadat o penize
go cap in hand
zaplatit ucet
foot the bill
Let me foot the bill today
Je staly ve svych nazorech
He is very consistent in his opinions
Je milackem hollywoodu
She is the apple of Holywood’s eye
Skovava hlavu do pisku
He is burying his head in the sand
Jejich album totalne selhalo
Their album sank like a stone
Naspicovala usi
She pricked her ears up
Zvysil si prestiz
He has gone up in the world
neco spravit/vylepsit
knock st. into shape
zaujmout ctenare
to catch the reader’s eye
lizat si rany
lick your wounds
nechat neco jit svou cestou dokud to neskonci
to run its course