Idioms Flashcards
Behind the 8-ball
In a bad position
Tip of the iceberg
Small visible part of a larger problem
Ace in the hole
Secret weapon
Jump the shark
The moment when a tv show goes bad
Bakers dozen
When you get a dozen and the baker gives you an extra
Elephant in the room
A topic that everyone is aware of but no one will discuss it
Hook line and sinker
To fool someone completely
Skeleton in the closet
Secret that could ruin reputation
Putting the Cart before the horse
Doing or thinking something backwards
Throw in the towel
To give up
Clean slate
Fresh start
2nd wind
A new surge of energy
Beat around the bush
Avoiding the topic
Through the grapevine
Playing the Devils Advorcate
Intentionally expressing the opposite view than you believe
Beating a dead horse
Going over board; discussing an issue that has already been discussed