Idioms 2 Flashcards
Hace mucho frio
It is very cold
tengo / vengo
I have I come
tienes / vienes
you have you come
tiene / viene
he she it has he she it comes
tenemos / venimos
we have we come
tenéis / venís
you all have you all come
tienen / vienen
they have they come
Tengo que comer las verduras.
I have to eat the vegetables.
Ángel tiene que leer el periódico.
Ángel has to read the newspaper.
Ellos tienen que comprar una revista.
They have to buy a magazine.
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener miedo a/de + noun
to be afraid to do something
tener celos
to be jealous
tener confianza
to be confident
tener frío
to be cold
tener calor
to be hot
tener sed
to be thirsty
tener hambre
to be hungry
tener sueño
to be sleepy
tener dolor de
to hurt or be sore
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener vergüenza
to be ashamed
tener razón
to be right
tener éxito
to be successful